Pabitra Dash
Recent Activity
This resource contains updated (code re-organization and cleanup) of Ayman's notebooks from the following 3 resources.
- AORC Notebook
- NWM retrospective data retrieval
- HydroFabric subsetter and retrieval
This netCDF data is the simulation output from Utah Energy Balance (UEB) model.It includes the simulation result of snow water equivalent during the period Oct. 2009 to June 2010 for TWDEF site in Utah.
IGUIDE register HS resource testing
IGUIDE registration testing
Testing timeout error with file list endpoint.
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This includes the basic design idea of the composite resource type for discussion

Created: March 15, 2017, 5:56 p.m.
Authors: Tseganeh Gichamo · Tarboton, David · Dash, Pabitra
The HydroDS tasks required to be executed to get complete UEB model inputs for an example watershed are given in the Python file “HydroDS_UEB_Setup”. This file calls functions from the other file, "hydrods_python_client" that has declarations for data service functions available from HydroDS.
To run the workflow for a different watershed in the Western US, modify the coordinates of the watershed boundary, outlet location, the start and end time of model period, and the spatial reference (projection) information in the form of EPSG Code ( The commands in the workflow script can also be called interactively from any Python command line, or from a user application that uses incorporates the Python Client Library.
For watersheds outside of the Western US, but in the CONUS, you need to upload your own DEM. The services are currently limited to the US.
You need to have a HydroDS account to use these services.
These scripts are for the following paper
Gichamo, T. Z., N. S. Sazib, D. G. Tarboton and P. Dash, (2020), "HydroDS: Data Services in Support of Physically Based, Distributed Hydrological Models," Environmental Modelling & Software,

Created: May 4, 2022, 3:35 p.m.
Authors: Dash, Pabitra · Tseganeh Z. Gichamo · Jamy
This is the model simulation of snow water equivalent in Logan River watershed from 2008 to 2009. The model used is the Utah Energy Balance model which is a snowmelt model. The simulation result is used as the input data for SAC-SMA model to simulate the stream flow of the watershed.

Created: June 28, 2023, 6:49 p.m.
Authors: Dash, Pabitra · Jamy
This is a resource to test registration of metadata in iguide catalog.

Testing timeout error with file list endpoint.

IGUIDE registration testing

IGUIDE register HS resource testing

Created: March 27, 2024, 2:39 a.m.
Authors: Dash, Pabitra · Jamy
This netCDF data is the simulation output from Utah Energy Balance (UEB) model.It includes the simulation result of snow water equivalent during the period Oct. 2009 to June 2010 for TWDEF site in Utah.

This resource contains updated (code re-organization and cleanup) of Ayman's notebooks from the following 3 resources.
- AORC Notebook
- NWM retrospective data retrieval
- HydroFabric subsetter and retrieval