Xiaofeng Liu
Pennsylvania State University
Recent Activity
This is a snapshot of the repository for code and cases for the flow partition due to porous structures. The latest version is also available at https://github.com/psu-efd/flow_partition_porous_structure
Hydrograd is differentiable programming platform for solving governing equations for hydrodynamics and related processes. This is a snapshot version of the repository for Hydrograd.jl. This version contains the code and cases to reproduce the results in the manuscript titled "Scientific Machine Learning of Flow Resistance Using Universal Shallow Water Equations with Differentiable Programming". The latest version of Hydrograd can be found at: https://github.com/psu-efd/Hydrograd.jl
Code and data for the manuscript titled "Bathymetry Inversion using a Deep-Learning-Based Surrogate for Shallow Water Equations Solvers" by Xiaofeng Liu, Yalan Song, and Chaopeng Shen.
The code is a snapshot of the dl4HM repository for the purpose of satisfying the data availability requirement by journals. The latest version of d4HM can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/psu-efd/dl4HM
The bathymetry inversion cases are in "examples/bathymetry_inversion_2D". There are two cases. One is a simple rectangular channel and the other is a real-world case fro the Savana River, GA.
This repository has the code and cases for the sand slide model. It is developed with
OpenFOAM v1812.
1. solvers: geomSlideFoam for geometric sand slide model
sandSlideFoam for slope-limited diffusive sand slide model
scourPimpleDyMFoam for scour model using slope-limited diffusive
sand slide method.
2. libraries: library for sediment transport.
3. utilities: some tools, for example the setup of initial bed elevation
field using the setBedShape tool.
4. cases: all simulation cases.
1. As of now, only the bedload part is modeled.
Xiaofeng Liu and Yalan Song
Penn State University
This folder contains all the cases in the paper titled "A Flow Decomposition Method based on Computational Fluid Dynamics
for Rock Weir Head-Discharge Relationship".
To demonstrate how to run the cases, the RL10 case is used as an example:
1. The mesh should be generated by executing the script "runMesh".
2. The simulation should be run by executing the script "runCFD".
All simulations used OpenFOAM v5.x. For this research, all simulations were run in parallel with 160 cores. If run
with less cores, the simulation time might be long.
For other simulation cases, the bed geometries (bed.stl) should be changed. All bed geomerites can be found in the folder
named "bedSTL". The names of the files are defined in the paper. The simulated discharge Q can be changed in velocity file "U",
specifically the "volumetricFlowRate" for the "inlet" boundary condition.
1. The simulated water surface elevation (WSE.csv) was extracted in ParaView with contour alpha.water=0.5.
2. The simulated discharge was calculated by the integration of U normal to the streamwise direction with the weight of alpha.water.
This folder also contains the python script for the use of the flow decomposition method. In addition, the Matlab code to generate
the figure comparing new results and existing recommended Cd values is also included.
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Created: April 25, 2019, 7:26 p.m.
Authors: Xiaofeng Liu
These are the companion cases with the book "Computational Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Treatment" published by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
ISBN 9780784415313 (print)
ISBN 9780784482216 (pdf)

Created: Aug. 29, 2019, 10 p.m.
Authors: Liu, Xiaofeng · Hassan Ismail · Yuncheng Xu
This is the experimental data set for flow and scour around porous hydraulic structures. The tables contain data on velocity and TKE on different sections around the structures (porous or non-porous). Detailed description of the data set is in a manuscript submitted to the journal Journal of Hydraulic Engineering.

This file contains the solver, libraries, cases, and utility tools for the simulation of hyporheic flows. The directory ``solver'' contains the hyporheicFoam solver. The directory ``libraries'' contains the dynamic libraries for boundary conditions, reaction models, and other miscellaneous functions. The directory ``utilities'' contains tools for pre- and post-processing. For example, the mapping tool for pressure between the surface and subsurface domains is provided. This tool is necessary to perform sequential simulations. The directory ``cases'' contains the simulation case (which can be specified to run in either sequential or coupled mode through switches in the case files).
The code is developed with OpenFOAM v5 and should be compatible with other newer versions. To use this code, it is required that OpenFOAM has been properly installed. Current code has only been used in Linux. Porting to Windows and Mac OS have not been done, but possible.

Created: Aug. 11, 2020, 7:23 p.m.
Authors: Liu, Xiaofeng
This folder contains all the cases in the paper titled "A Flow Decomposition Method based on Computational Fluid Dynamics
for Rock Weir Head-Discharge Relationship".
To demonstrate how to run the cases, the RL10 case is used as an example:
1. The mesh should be generated by executing the script "runMesh".
2. The simulation should be run by executing the script "runCFD".
All simulations used OpenFOAM v5.x. For this research, all simulations were run in parallel with 160 cores. If run
with less cores, the simulation time might be long.
For other simulation cases, the bed geometries (bed.stl) should be changed. All bed geomerites can be found in the folder
named "bedSTL". The names of the files are defined in the paper. The simulated discharge Q can be changed in velocity file "U",
specifically the "volumetricFlowRate" for the "inlet" boundary condition.
1. The simulated water surface elevation (WSE.csv) was extracted in ParaView with contour alpha.water=0.5.
2. The simulated discharge was calculated by the integration of U normal to the streamwise direction with the weight of alpha.water.
This folder also contains the python script for the use of the flow decomposition method. In addition, the Matlab code to generate
the figure comparing new results and existing recommended Cd values is also included.

This repository has the code and cases for the sand slide model. It is developed with
OpenFOAM v1812.
1. solvers: geomSlideFoam for geometric sand slide model
sandSlideFoam for slope-limited diffusive sand slide model
scourPimpleDyMFoam for scour model using slope-limited diffusive
sand slide method.
2. libraries: library for sediment transport.
3. utilities: some tools, for example the setup of initial bed elevation
field using the setBedShape tool.
4. cases: all simulation cases.
1. As of now, only the bedload part is modeled.
Xiaofeng Liu and Yalan Song
Penn State University

Code and data for the manuscript titled "Bathymetry Inversion using a Deep-Learning-Based Surrogate for Shallow Water Equations Solvers" by Xiaofeng Liu, Yalan Song, and Chaopeng Shen.
The code is a snapshot of the dl4HM repository for the purpose of satisfying the data availability requirement by journals. The latest version of d4HM can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/psu-efd/dl4HM
The bathymetry inversion cases are in "examples/bathymetry_inversion_2D". There are two cases. One is a simple rectangular channel and the other is a real-world case fro the Savana River, GA.

Hydrograd is differentiable programming platform for solving governing equations for hydrodynamics and related processes. This is a snapshot version of the repository for Hydrograd.jl. This version contains the code and cases to reproduce the results in the manuscript titled "Scientific Machine Learning of Flow Resistance Using Universal Shallow Water Equations with Differentiable Programming". The latest version of Hydrograd can be found at: https://github.com/psu-efd/Hydrograd.jl

This is a snapshot of the repository for code and cases for the flow partition due to porous structures. The latest version is also available at https://github.com/psu-efd/flow_partition_porous_structure