Joseph Lee-Cullin
Michigan State University | PhD Candidate
Subject Areas: | Hydrology, Ecohydrology, land use |
Recent Activity
Field Methods in Hydrologic Science was taught in 2013 as a 3-credit course (2 x 45-min lecture + 1 x 2-hr lab), for a total of 45 class meetings. Content provided is organized by lecture number (1 through 45).
Included in this resource are:
-- Lecture notes (including instructors notes and slides)*
-- Homework assignments (10 in total)
-- Semester project assignment
-- Reading assignments (titled X.pdf, where X is the lecture number associated with the reading)
-- Supplemental Reference Materials
A few minor notes:
* The 'missing' lecture folders were guest speakers and visits to local, instrumented field sites
- we didn't have a 'Lecture 1' because that day of the semester was M.L. King Jr. Day
When this course was offered, we worked with the American Institute of Hydrology. Students took the AIH Level I Hydrologic Technician exam as their final exam for the class. Upon passing the exam and completing the course, students earned this credential. This is likely possible for others, but would require coordination directly with AIH.
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Created: April 29, 2020, 7:04 p.m.
Authors: Ward, Adam ยท Lee-Cullin, Joseph
Field Methods in Hydrologic Science was taught in 2013 as a 3-credit course (2 x 45-min lecture + 1 x 2-hr lab), for a total of 45 class meetings. Content provided is organized by lecture number (1 through 45).
Included in this resource are:
-- Lecture notes (including instructors notes and slides)*
-- Homework assignments (10 in total)
-- Semester project assignment
-- Reading assignments (titled X.pdf, where X is the lecture number associated with the reading)
-- Supplemental Reference Materials
A few minor notes:
* The 'missing' lecture folders were guest speakers and visits to local, instrumented field sites
- we didn't have a 'Lecture 1' because that day of the semester was M.L. King Jr. Day
When this course was offered, we worked with the American Institute of Hydrology. Students took the AIH Level I Hydrologic Technician exam as their final exam for the class. Upon passing the exam and completing the course, students earned this credential. This is likely possible for others, but would require coordination directly with AIH.