Molly R Cain
University of Alaska - Fairbanks | Associate Director, Alaska Sea Grant
Subject Areas: | Watershed Hydrology |
Recent Activity
Tabular data in support of article:
Cain MR, Jones CN, Rhoads BL, Hixson JL, & Ward AS. Empirical evidence of dynamic hydrogeomorphic feature inundation in a lowland floodplain
Tabular data used in support of the publication:
Cain, M. R., Woo, D. K., Kumar, P., Keefer, L., & Ward, A. S. (2022). Antecedent conditions control thresholds of tile-runoff generation and nitrogen export in intensively managed landscapes. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR030507.
Data includes raw field observation time series, analyzed modeled output, and data used to recreate paper figures. The study site is the Allerton Trust Farm, which is part of the Intensively Managed Landscapes Critical Zone Observatory (IML-CZO) located near Monticello, Illinois.
Tabular data used to generate figures for the article:
Cain, MR, Ward, AS, Hrachowitz, M. Ecohydrologic separation alters interpreted hydrologic stores and fluxes in a headwater mountain catchment. Hydrological Processes. 2019.
The study site is the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest located in the western Cascade Mountains of Oregon, USA. Datasets correspond to a two water worlds (2WW) and a one water world model (1WW). These include behavioral set parameters, modeled stream discharge and chloride concentration, mean water storages, time series of plant available water storage, time series of daily residence times, and residence time probability distributions for the unsaturated zone.
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Created: June 10, 2019, 3:52 p.m.
Authors: Molly R Cain · Adam Ward · Markus Hrachowitz
Tabular data used to generate figures for the article:
Cain, MR, Ward, AS, Hrachowitz, M. Ecohydrologic separation alters interpreted hydrologic stores and fluxes in a headwater mountain catchment. Hydrological Processes. 2019.
The study site is the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest located in the western Cascade Mountains of Oregon, USA. Datasets correspond to a two water worlds (2WW) and a one water world model (1WW). These include behavioral set parameters, modeled stream discharge and chloride concentration, mean water storages, time series of plant available water storage, time series of daily residence times, and residence time probability distributions for the unsaturated zone.

Created: May 25, 2021, 12:08 p.m.
Authors: Cain, Molly R · Woo, Dong Kook · Kumar, Praveen · Keefer, Laura · Ward, Adam Scott
Tabular data used in support of the publication:
Cain, M. R., Woo, D. K., Kumar, P., Keefer, L., & Ward, A. S. (2022). Antecedent conditions control thresholds of tile-runoff generation and nitrogen export in intensively managed landscapes. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR030507.
Data includes raw field observation time series, analyzed modeled output, and data used to recreate paper figures. The study site is the Allerton Trust Farm, which is part of the Intensively Managed Landscapes Critical Zone Observatory (IML-CZO) located near Monticello, Illinois.

Created: Feb. 5, 2024, 9:35 p.m.
Authors: Cain, Molly R
Tabular data in support of article:
Cain MR, Jones CN, Rhoads BL, Hixson JL, & Ward AS. Empirical evidence of dynamic hydrogeomorphic feature inundation in a lowland floodplain