Colin F Byrne
United States Bureau of Reclamation
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The datasets in this repository are associated with “This repository consists of the data associated with the Manuscript "Mass and MomentumFlux Prediction at the Channel-Floodplain Interface Associated with Riparian Vegetation."
The model output folder consists of data for both vegetation-induced and user-assigned roughness conditions for different flow scenarios and vegetation densities. Data also includes the nodes of the left and right bank at the channel-floodplain interface, including the Python script used for post-processing the model outputs for calculating mass and momentum flux analyzed in this manuscript.
Please contact cha.smriti@gmail with any questions related to this dataset.
Pool-riffle couplet data used in assessment of velocity reversal commonality across northern, coastal California.
A river classification was developed for major regions of the State of California USA using a field surveying protocol that can now be used to collect data at additional sites. The field protocols provide a framework for systematically collecting a variety of physical geomorphic data using uniform sampling, including channel slope, cross-sectional morphology, sediment composition, and longitudinal depth and width variability. The standard sampling layout consists of a stream length 15 times the active channel width (measured along the thalweg) divided into 10 equidistant transects that are arranged perpendicular to the stream channel. Details of the river classification of the Sacramento Basin region are available in Byrne et al (2020).
This resource contains the field surveying protocols and field data collection template.
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Created: Jan. 3, 2021, 6:23 p.m.
Authors: Lane, Belize · Byrne, Colin F
A river classification was developed for major regions of the State of California USA using a field surveying protocol that can now be used to collect data at additional sites. The field protocols provide a framework for systematically collecting a variety of physical geomorphic data using uniform sampling, including channel slope, cross-sectional morphology, sediment composition, and longitudinal depth and width variability. The standard sampling layout consists of a stream length 15 times the active channel width (measured along the thalweg) divided into 10 equidistant transects that are arranged perpendicular to the stream channel. Details of the river classification of the Sacramento Basin region are available in Byrne et al (2020).
This resource contains the field surveying protocols and field data collection template.

Created: May 10, 2021, 11:31 p.m.
Authors: Byrne, Colin F
Pool-riffle couplet data used in assessment of velocity reversal commonality across northern, coastal California.

Created: Nov. 17, 2023, 3:52 a.m.
Authors: Chaulagain, Smriti · Stone, Mark · Morrison, Ryan · Byrne, Colin F
The datasets in this repository are associated with “This repository consists of the data associated with the Manuscript "Mass and MomentumFlux Prediction at the Channel-Floodplain Interface Associated with Riparian Vegetation."
The model output folder consists of data for both vegetation-induced and user-assigned roughness conditions for different flow scenarios and vegetation densities. Data also includes the nodes of the left and right bank at the channel-floodplain interface, including the Python script used for post-processing the model outputs for calculating mass and momentum flux analyzed in this manuscript.
Please contact cha.smriti@gmail with any questions related to this dataset.