Wayne Ndlovu

University of Kansas

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Kampoosa Bog is a 465 ha wetland complex located in Stockbridge-Lee MA that is currently being impacted by road salt pollution. In an effort to understand the impacts of road salt on the water quality and vegetation in the wetland, the Mass DOT and Department of Fish and Wildlife have collaborated with engineers at the University of Massachusetts to monitor the water quality at gauge stations (KB100, KB150, KB300) within the Kampoosa watershed. At these gauge stations water flow, water temperature and specific conductance are recorded at a 15 minute interval as of Nov 2017. Using road salt application, groundwater and surface water chemistry, and streamflow data collected between 2012 and 2019 we quantify the accumulation of road salt in the Kampoosa Bog subwatersheds.

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Kampoosa Bog - Road salt accumulation
Created: Aug. 20, 2024, 5:34 p.m.
Authors: Ndlovu, Wayne · Guswa, Andrew · Amy L. Rhodes


Kampoosa Bog is a 465 ha wetland complex located in Stockbridge-Lee MA that is currently being impacted by road salt pollution. In an effort to understand the impacts of road salt on the water quality and vegetation in the wetland, the Mass DOT and Department of Fish and Wildlife have collaborated with engineers at the University of Massachusetts to monitor the water quality at gauge stations (KB100, KB150, KB300) within the Kampoosa watershed. At these gauge stations water flow, water temperature and specific conductance are recorded at a 15 minute interval as of Nov 2017. Using road salt application, groundwater and surface water chemistry, and streamflow data collected between 2012 and 2019 we quantify the accumulation of road salt in the Kampoosa Bog subwatersheds.

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