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Extract Domain Boundaries from Geographical Features and Transform into Specified Projection Systems Using Python
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This resource does not have an owner who is an active HydroShare user. Contact CUAHSI ( for information on this resource. |
Type: | Resource | |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 4.2 MB | |
Created: | Sep 27, 2024 at 4:25 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Sep 30, 2024 at 8:06 p.m. | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource | |
Content types: | Geographic Feature Content |
Sharing Status: | Public |
Views: | 446 |
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This resource provides a Jupyter notebook demonstrating how to use GeoPandas and Shapely in Python to extract bounding box information from a shapefile or GeoJSON file. It ensures that the returned values are in a specified projection system, regardless of whether the original file uses a geographic or projected coordinate system. Users can adjust the parameters in the notebook to fit their specific use case. In this example, the parameters are based on the Kings River Watershed in California, with the target projection system being Lambert Conformal Conic, as used in National Water Model versions 1-3.
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Tree-like Structure of the Content of this Resource
- Root Folder
- ├──
- ├── compute_domain_bounding_box.ipynb
- ├── data
- ├── DinkeyCreekWatershed
- ├── DinkeyCreekCatchments
- ├── DinkeyCreekWatershed_geocoords
- ├── DinkeyCreekCatchments_geocoords
- ├── DinkeyCreekWatershed.geojson
- ├── DinkeyCreekCatchments.geojson
- ├── DinkeyCreekWatershed_geocoords.geojson
- └── DinkeyCreekCatchments_geocoords.geojson
- └── KingsRiver.png
Detailed Information and Explanation
- Explains the content of this HydroShare resource.
- compute_domain_bounding_box.ipynb: A Jupyter notebook containing code for extracting bounding box information from shapefile or GeoJSON inputs. The notebook is divided into two sections: Section A covers inputs with a projected coordinate system, and Section B addresses inputs using a geographic coordinate system without projection.
- DinkeyCreekWatershed.shp: HUC10 Dinkey Creek Watershed shapefile with a single feature geometry in the WGS84 Mercator projection, storing CRS information. Used in Section A.1 of the notebook.
- DinkeyCreekCatchments.shp: HUC12 Dinkey Creek Watershed catchments shapefile with multiple feature geometries in the WGS84 Mercator projection, storing CRS information. Used in Section A.3 of the notebook.
- DinkeyCreekWatershed_geocoords.shp: HUC10 Dinkey Creek Watershed shapefile with a single feature geometry in the WGS84 geographic coordinate system, storing CRS information. Used in Section B.1.
- DinkeyCreekCatchments_geocoords.shp: HUC12 Dinkey Creek Watershed catchments shapefile with multiple geometries in the WGS84 geographic coordinate system, storing CRS information. Used in Section B.3.
- DinkeyCreekWatershed.geojson: HUC10 Dinkey Creek Watershed GeoJSON with a single feature geometry in the WGS84 Mercator projection, without CRS information. Used in Section A.2.
- DinkeyCreekCatchments.geojson: HUC12 Dinkey Creek catchments GeoJSON with multiple feature geometries in the WGS84 Mercator projection, without CRS information. Used in Section A.4.
- DinkeyCreekWatershed_geocoords.geojson: HUC10 Dinkey Creek Watershed GeoJSON with a single feature geometry in the WGS84 geographic coordinate system, without CRS information. Used in Section B.2.
- DinkeyCreekCatchments_geocoords.geojson: HUC12 Dinkey Creek catchments GeoJSON with multiple geometries in the WGS84 geographic coordinate system, without CRS information. Used in Section B.4.
- KingsRiver.png: The map of the Kings River Watershed shown below, highlighting the Dinkey Creek head watershed and its sub-catchments.

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Related Resources
The content of this resource can be executed by | Castronova, A. (2024). CIROH JupyterHub, HydroShare, |
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The content of this resource can be executed by | Castronova, A. (2024). CUAHSI JupyterHub, HydroShare, |
Title | Owners | Sharing Status | My Permission |
Use Case Examples for CUAHSI Subsetter Tool | Irene Garousi-Nejad | Public & Shareable | Open Access |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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