Gabrielle F.S. Boisrame
UC Berkeley;Desert Research Institute;University of Nevada | Assistant Research Professor
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These files contain air temperature and relative humidity in Illilouette Creek Basin, within different post-fire vegetation patches including a wetland, shrub field, and forest. Onset's HOBO U23 Pro V2 temperature and relatively humidity sensors were attached to trees and protected using white plastic radiation shields. Temperatures measured may be impacted by temperature of the tree trunks. These time series can be used to compare air temperature and humidity at different heights above the ground, different canopy covers, and different sides of trees. These data can also be compared to temperature and relative humidity at nearby meteorological stations. Most of these sensors were temporarily removed in order to protect them from the 2017 Empire Fire, but sensor #315 remained in place and shows elevated temperatures on October 16, 2017 due to the fire.
These files accompany the manuscript "Restoring a Natural Fire Regime Alters the Water Balance of a Sierra Nevada Catchment" submitted for publication with Water Resources Research. The input files are meant to be run with the Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System (RHESSys) model. The files included here were used to run models of the Upper Merced River watershed, as well as a sub-watershed (the Illilouette Creek Basin). The model output can be used to compare the hydrology of the Illilouette Creek Basin and Upper Merced Watershed under unburned conditions compared to a model watershed that includes vegetation cover changes induced by the actual fire history. Instructions for installing RHESSys can be found here:
This data is part of a project studying the effects of wildfire on the Illilouette Creek Basin, a watershed within Yosemite National Park. Three temporary weather stations were installed under distinct types of vegetation cover. Each station measures air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall (the rain gage is not heated, so only the portion of snowfall that melts within the gage is measured), wind speed and direction, solar radiation, and both soil moisture and temperature at three depths. These measurements are recorded every 10 minutes, beginning in the summer of 2015. Station A is located under a dense mixed conifer canopy in an area that burned at low severity in 2004 and in 2017 (Empire Fire). For descriptions of the data format and units, see the included WeatherStnMetadata.xlsx file.
This is a collection of three weather station time series data from September 2016 to September 2020. These weather stations were installed to study the long-term effects of fire on local hydrology by measuring microclimate in three nearby sites with different post-fire vegetation. Data is collected at 10 min interval. Variables include: wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity precipitation, insolation, soil moisture and soil temperature at 3 different depths: 12cm, 60 cm, and 100 cm. The weather stations are located in Sugarloaf Creek Basin by Comanche Meadow. Forested, meadow, and shrub sites are represented.
The Illilouette Creek Basin in Yosemite National Park has experienced a large number of managed wildfires since 1972, when the managed wildfire program in this area began. The 1969 map captures vegetation cover following a period of at least 90 years with no wildfires above 5 ha in size within the watershed. This vegetation map was created in eCognition using aerial imagery provided by the Yosemite National Park archives, taken by Cartwright aerial surveys. Vegetation is divided into the following broad categories: conifer, shrubland, sparse vegetation, and dense meadow.
Vegetation Type Codes
0 - Exposed rock or open water
1 - Conifer (mainly Pinus contorta, Pinus jeffreyi, Abies magnifica, Abies concolor)
2 - Shrubland (mainly Ceanothus cordulatus)
3 - Sparsely Vegetated (but not exposed rock)
4 - Dense Meadow (most of this area is wetland, but not all could be verified as true wetland)
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Created: April 14, 2017, 5:11 p.m.
Authors: liza brazil
This data is part of a project studying the hydrological effects of wildfire on the Illilouette Creek Basin in Yosemite National Park. We measured snow depth using time lapse cameras.

Created: April 14, 2017, 9:04 p.m.
Authors: Gabrielle Boisrame · Thompson, Sally · Ekaterina Rakhmatulina
This data is part of a project studying the effects of wildfire on the Illilouette Creek Basin, a watershed within Yosemite National Park. Three temporary weather stations were installed under distinct types of vegetation cover. Each station measures air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall (the rain gage is not heated, so only the portion of snowfall that melts within the gage is measured), wind speed and direction, solar radiation, and both soil moisture and temperature at three depths. These measurements are recorded every 10 minutes, beginning in the summer of 2015. Station B is located in a shrub field within an area that burned at high severity in 2004 and in 2017 (Empire Fire).. For descriptions of the data format and units, see the included WeatherStnMetadata.xlsx file.

Created: April 14, 2017, 9:21 p.m.
Authors: Gabrielle Boisrame · Ekaterina Rakhmatulina · Thompson, Sally
This data is part of a project studying the effects of wildfire on the Illilouette Creek Basin, a watershed within Yosemite National Park. Three temporary weather stations were installed under distinct types of vegetation cover. Each station measures air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall (the rain gage is not heated, so only the portion of snowfall that melts within the gage is measured), wind speed and direction, solar radiation, and both soil moisture and temperature at three depths. These measurements are recorded every 10 minutes, beginning in the summer of 2015. Station C is located in a wetland within an area that burned most recently in 2004 and in 2017 (Empire Fire).. For descriptions of the data format and units, see the included WeatherStnMetadata.xlsx file.

Created: April 14, 2017, 9:26 p.m.
Authors: Gabrielle Boisrame · Thompson, Sally
This data is part of a project studying the effects of wildfire on the Illilouette Creek Basin, a watershed within Yosemite National Park. Three temporary weather stations were installed under distinct types of vegetation cover. Each station measures air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall (the rain gage is not heated, so only the portion of snowfall that melts within the gage is measured), wind speed and direction, solar radiation, and both soil moisture and temperature at three depths. These measurements are recorded every 10 minutes, beginning in the summer of 2015. Station A is located under a dense mixed conifer canopy in an area that burned at low severity in 2004. For descriptions of the data format and units, see the included WeatherStnMetadata.xlsx file.

Created: April 14, 2017, 9:31 p.m.
Authors: Gabrielle Boisrame · Sally Thompson
This dataset is part of a project studying the effects of wildfire on the Illilouette Creek Basin, a watershed within Yosemite National Park. Three temporary weather stations were installed under distinct types of vegetation cover (A is forested, B is shrub-dominated, and C is in a wetland). Each station measures air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall (the rain gage is not heated, so only the portion of snowfall that melts within the gage is measured), wind speed and direction, solar radiation, and both soil moisture and temperature at three depths. These measurements are recorded every 10 minutes, beginning in the summer of 2015. Snow depth was estimated at each station four times per day during each winter using time lapse imagery. In addition, HOBO temperature and relative humidity sensors were attached to nearby trees in order to provide backup data and to capture temperatures above the snowpack during high snow years. The stations are located within an area that burned most recently in 2004 and 2017. Metadata files are included within each individual resource.

Created: April 14, 2017, 9:39 p.m.
Authors: Gabrielle Boisrame
The Illilouette Creek Basin in Yosemite National Park has experienced a large number of managed wildfires since 1972, when the managed wildfire program in this area began. The 1969 map captures vegetation cover following a period of at least 90 years with no wildfires above 5 ha in size within the watershed. This vegetation map was created in eCognition using aerial imagery provided by the Yosemite National Park archives, taken by Cartwright aerial surveys. Vegetation is divided into the following broad categories: conifer, shrubland, sparse vegetation, and dense meadow.
Vegetation Type Codes
0 - Exposed rock or open water
1 - Conifer (mainly Pinus contorta, Pinus jeffreyi, Abies magnifica, Abies concolor)
2 - Shrubland (mainly Ceanothus cordulatus)
3 - Sparsely Vegetated (but not exposed rock)
4 - Dense Meadow (most of this area is wetland, but not all could be verified as true wetland)

Created: April 14, 2017, 9:53 p.m.
Authors: Gabrielle Boisrame
The Illilouette Creek Basin in Yosemite National Park has experienced a large number of managed wildfires since 1972, when the managed wildfire program in this area began. The 2012 map captures vegetation after 40 years of managed wildfire, following a period of at least 90 years with no wildfires above 5 ha in size within the watershed. This vegetation map was created in eCognition using aerial imagery from the National Agriculture Imagery Project. Vegetation is divided into the following broad categories: conifer, shrubland, sparse vegetation, dense meadow, and aspen.
Vegetation Type Codes
0 - Exposed rock or open water
1 - Conifer (mainly Pinus contorta, Pinus jeffreyi, Abies magnifica, Abies concolor)
2 - Shrubland (mainly Ceanothus cordulatus)
3 - Sparsely Vegetated (but not exposed rock)
4 - Dense Meadow (most of this area is wetland, but not all could be verified as true wetland)
5 - Aspen

Created: April 14, 2017, 9:59 p.m.
Authors: Gabrielle Boisrame
These vegetation maps were created in order to assess the changes in land cover caused by 40 years of managed wildfire within the Illilouette Creek Basin of Yosemite National Park. Between 1980 and 1973, only 8ha are known to have burned within the watershed. Since 1973, over half of the watershed has burned at least once (including 75% of the vegetated area). Vegetation was divided into the following categories using eCognition software and the best available aerial imagery: conifer forest, shrubland, sparse vegetation, dense meadow, and aspen.

Created: April 15, 2017, 5:01 a.m.
Authors: Gabrielle Boisrame · Ekaterina Rakhmatulina
This dataset is part of a project assessing the impacts of wildfires on the water balance of the Illilouette Creek Basin in Yosemite National Park. Three weather stations were mounted on poles in an area that had burned under various severities in 2004 and in 2017 (Empire Fire). Each station is located in a distinct vegetation type: closed canopy mixed conifer, shrubfield (dominated by Ceanothus cordulatus), and a wetland. Each weather station has at least two time lapse cameras capturing images four times per day. These images were used to calculate the depth of snow by comparing the height of the snowpack against the weather station pole or a nearby tree to known heights along the pole or tree. Measurements from different cameras at the same station may differ slightly from each other if snow piles up against the side of a pole, or if snow melts preferentially near a pole, but these differences are small compared to the maximum depths of snow. The data shows that peak snowpack was deepest at the wetland site, and shallowest under the closed canopy. Spring snowmelt also finished earliest in the closed canopy site.

Created: May 21, 2017, 10:03 p.m.
Authors: Gabrielle Boisrame
The Illilouette Creek Basin in Yosemite National Park has experienced a large number of managed wildfires since 1972, when the managed wildfire program in this area began. The 1969 map captures vegetation cover following a period of at least 90 years with no wildfires above 5 ha in size within the watershed. This vegetation map was created in eCognition using aerial imagery provided by the Yosemite National Park archives, taken by Cartwright aerial surveys. Vegetation is divided into the following broad categories: conifer, shrubland, sparse vegetation, and dense meadow.
Vegetation Type Codes
0 - Exposed rock or open water
1 - Conifer (mainly Pinus contorta, Pinus jeffreyi, Abies magnifica, Abies concolor)
2 - Shrubland (mainly Ceanothus cordulatus)
3 - Sparsely Vegetated (but not exposed rock)
4 - Dense Meadow (most of this area is wetland, but not all could be verified as true wetland)

Created: Sept. 25, 2018, 11:10 p.m.
Authors: Ekaterina Rakhmatulina · Gabrielle Boisrame · Sally Thompson
This is a collection of three weather station time series data from September 2016 to September 2020. These weather stations were installed to study the long-term effects of fire on local hydrology by measuring microclimate in three nearby sites with different post-fire vegetation. Data is collected at 10 min interval. Variables include: wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity precipitation, insolation, soil moisture and soil temperature at 3 different depths: 12cm, 60 cm, and 100 cm. The weather stations are located in Sugarloaf Creek Basin by Comanche Meadow. Forested, meadow, and shrub sites are represented.

Created: Sept. 25, 2018, 11:33 p.m.
Authors: Gabrielle Boisrame · Thompson, Sally · Ekaterina Rakhmatulina
This data is part of a project studying the effects of wildfire on the Illilouette Creek Basin, a watershed within Yosemite National Park. Three temporary weather stations were installed under distinct types of vegetation cover. Each station measures air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall (the rain gage is not heated, so only the portion of snowfall that melts within the gage is measured), wind speed and direction, solar radiation, and both soil moisture and temperature at three depths. These measurements are recorded every 10 minutes, beginning in the summer of 2015. Station A is located under a dense mixed conifer canopy in an area that burned at low severity in 2004 and in 2017 (Empire Fire). For descriptions of the data format and units, see the included WeatherStnMetadata.xlsx file.

Created: Dec. 15, 2018, 12:53 a.m.
Authors: Gabrielle Boisrame
These files accompany the manuscript "Restoring a Natural Fire Regime Alters the Water Balance of a Sierra Nevada Catchment" submitted for publication with Water Resources Research. The input files are meant to be run with the Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System (RHESSys) model. The files included here were used to run models of the Upper Merced River watershed, as well as a sub-watershed (the Illilouette Creek Basin). The model output can be used to compare the hydrology of the Illilouette Creek Basin and Upper Merced Watershed under unburned conditions compared to a model watershed that includes vegetation cover changes induced by the actual fire history. Instructions for installing RHESSys can be found here:

Created: June 27, 2023, 2:25 a.m.
Authors: Boisrame, Gabrielle F.S.
These files contain air temperature and relative humidity in Illilouette Creek Basin, within different post-fire vegetation patches including a wetland, shrub field, and forest. Onset's HOBO U23 Pro V2 temperature and relatively humidity sensors were attached to trees and protected using white plastic radiation shields. Temperatures measured may be impacted by temperature of the tree trunks. These time series can be used to compare air temperature and humidity at different heights above the ground, different canopy covers, and different sides of trees. These data can also be compared to temperature and relative humidity at nearby meteorological stations. Most of these sensors were temporarily removed in order to protect them from the 2017 Empire Fire, but sensor #315 remained in place and shows elevated temperatures on October 16, 2017 due to the fire.