Shawn Crawley
Aquaveo LLC | Software Developer
Subject Areas: | Computer Science, Hydroinformatics |
Recent Activity
Picture of algae at Utah Lake that was shared by The Daily Herald and obtained here:
This resource contains a HydroShare GIS map project file and demonstrates a potential use case in which all resources related to a single project are added to a map project.
This app was created using Tethys Platform and is used to browse all of the current (past 30 days) National Water Model data.
This resource contains a HydroShare Map Project file created using the HydroShare GIS web app. The Map Project file is in JSON format and contains data regarding the state of the project upon creating this resource.
DEM of Utah County.
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This web app allows the user to view Raster and Geographic Feature Resources from HydroShare in a customizable way. It is powered by the Tethys Platform (see

Created: June 22, 2016, 3:46 p.m.
Authors: Nathan Swain
This resource contains automatically created KML files representing a watershed boundary and stream network delineated by the EPA Waters Services using the Tethys EPA Waters Services web app. National Hydrologic Dataset (NHD) stream outlet details:Feature Name = City Creek, Reach Code = 16020204000477, Measure = 81.47, HUC 12 = 160202040304. Delineation Results: Watershed Area = 69.428 sq-km. Stream Segments = 19.This resource contains automatically created kml file representing downstream of this point queried by the EPA Waters Service using the Tethys EPA Waters Service web app. Downstream Results: Stream Segments = 16.

An assortment of data referencing Utah Lake.

The wetlands surrounding Utah Lake.

A polygon of Utah Lake.

DEM of Utah County.

Created: Aug. 17, 2016, 11:08 a.m.
Authors: Shawn Crawley
This resource contains a HydroShare Map Project file created using the HydroShare GIS web app. The Map Project file is in JSON format and contains data regarding the state of the project upon creating this resource.

This app was created using Tethys Platform and is used to browse all of the current (past 30 days) National Water Model data.

This resource contains a HydroShare GIS map project file and demonstrates a potential use case in which all resources related to a single project are added to a map project.

Picture of algae at Utah Lake that was shared by The Daily Herald and obtained here: