CZO Sierra
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Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Discharge values for three subcatchments (B201, B203, B204) of Bull Creek plus another nearby small catchment in the Teakettle Experimental Forest (T003). Values are presented by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year). 15 min data were compressed to hourly and daily during the data processing procedure. B201, B203, and B204 flow is channelized through two Parshall flumes (small 2 feet). T003 flow is channelized through a 120 degree v-notch weir. At all sites stream stage and discharge are measured using a Teledyne-Isco 6712 with 730 bubbler. High flow stream stage and discharge are measured using an Advanced Measurements & Controls Inc. Aquarod AR100
This met station is located at the Bull Creek site of the Kings River Experimental Watershed (KREW). Both the Providence and Bull Creek met stations were erected by the Forest Service Pacific Southwest research station as part of the KREW project using the same methods and sensors. Data processing was conducted by the CZO using the same programs. The Bull creek site acts as a nearby paired area, approximately 400 m higher in elevation than the Providence sites. See additional information on the methods, including sensors used, and site .
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
Southern Sierra CZO Lidar flight was acquired in 2010 and consists of 2 flights - Snow on (3/14/2010 - 3/24/2010) and snow off (8/5/2010 - 8/15/2010).
Each flight has 6 sub-areas defined as: Bull (Area 1), Courtwright Road (Area 2), Providence (Area 3), San Joaquin Range (Area 4), Soaproot Saddle (Area 5), and Wolverton (Area 6).
The datasets include 1m digital surface model (filtered and unfiltered), 1m digital elevation models (filtered and unfiltered), and the raw Lidar point clouds (LAS format) in 1 km by 1 km tiles.
These data are publicly available at OpenTopography.
Funding from National Science Foundation EAR-0922307 (
Level 2 processed data from Soaproot Saddle flux tower.
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Rough list of instruments:
'PAR Li-190 w/604? resistor; LiCor/Campbell',' ;'
'Pyranometer Kipp and Zonen CMP3',''
'Net radiometer Q*7 REBS',''
'Net radiometer NR Lite; Kipp and Zonen',''
'HMP45C RH and AirT; Vaisala',''
'CSAT3 Sonic Anemometer; Campbell',''
'IRGA Li-7000; LiCor',''
'Rain Gauge TE-25; Campbell',''
Level 2 processed data from SJER flux tower.
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) links to immediately download a file of the WY's data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Rough list of instruments
'PAR Li-190 w/604? resistor; LiCor/Campbell',' ;'
'Pyranometer Kipp and Zonen CMP3',''
'Net radiometer Q*7 REBS',''
'Net radiometer NR Lite; Kipp and Zonen',''
'HMP45C RH and AirT; Vaisala',''
'CSAT3 Sonic Anemometer; Campbell',''
'IRGA Li-7000; LiCor',''
'Rain Gauge TE-25; Campbell',''
Level 2 process data from P301 flux tower
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
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Created: Nov. 18, 2019, 8:42 p.m.
Authors: Carolyn Hunsaker
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual dataset links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual Water Year (WY) data listings on this site. Current individual files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Kings River Experimental Watershed (KREW): Providence Upper Met data collected by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year). Standard meteorological data are being collected at the Upper Providence site using a Campbell Scientific logger to control peripheral devices. The data are remotely downloaded via radio modem through the USFS radio network. A 15 watt solar panel provides power to continuously monitor temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, radiation, snow depth, snow density and rainfall intensity at 15 minute intervals. Data processing compresses data to hourly and daily intervals. Providence Upper Met is located at an elevation of 1981 m.
See additional information on the methods, including sensors used, and site .
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.

Created: Nov. 18, 2019, 9:53 p.m.
Authors: Carolyn Husaker
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual dataset links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual Water Year (WY) data listings on this site. Current individual files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Kings River Experimental Watershed (KREW): Providence Lower Met data collected by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year). Standard meteorological data are being collected at the Lower Providence site using a Campbell Scientific logger to control peripheral devices. The data are remotely downloaded via radio modem through the USFS radio network. A 15 watt solar panel provides power to continuously monitor temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, radiation, snow depth, snow density and rainfall intensity at 15 minute intervals. Data processing compresses data to hourly intervals. Providence Lower Met is located at 1753 m in elevation.
See additional information on the methods, including sensors used, and site .
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.

Created: Nov. 18, 2019, 9:56 p.m.
Authors: Roger Bales · Matthew Meadows · Erin Stacy · Xiande Meng
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual dataset links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual Water Year (WY) data listings on this site. Current individual files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Snow depth, soil moisture and soil temperature are measured at the lower Providence meteorological site, from a location with a north facing aspect, using a Campbell Scientific logger to control peripheral devices. Snow depth is measured at 5 nodes in the open, at the drip edge and under canopies of an incense-cedar and white fir tree. Soil moisture and temperature are measured at 10, 30, 60, and 90 cm depths coincident with the snow depth nodes. A 10 watt solar panel provides power for monitoring at 10 minute intervals. Data processing compresses to hourly values.
The lower Providence meteorological site (approximately 1750 m) is located within the larger Providence headwater catchment.
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.

Created: Nov. 18, 2019, 11:45 p.m.
Authors: Roger Bales · Matthew Meadows · Erin Stacy · Xiande Meng
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual dataset links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual Water Year (WY) data listings on this site. Current individual files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Snow depth, soil moisture and soil temperature are measured at the lower Providence meteorological site, from a location with a south facing aspect, using a Campbell Scientific logger to control peripheral devices. Snow depth is measured at 5 nodes in the open, at the drip edge and under canopies of an incense-cedar and white fir tree. Soil moisture and temperature are measured at 10, 30, 60, and 90 cm depths coincident with the snow depth nodes. A 10 watt solar panel provides power for monitoring at 10 minute intervals. Data processing compresses to hourly values.
The lower Providence meteorological site (approximately 1750 m) is located within the larger Providence headwater catchment.
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.

Created: Nov. 18, 2019, 11:49 p.m.
Authors: Roger Bales · Matthew Meadows · Erin Stacy · Xiande Meng
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual dataset links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual Water Year (WY) data listings on this site. Current individual files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Snow depth, soil moisture and soil temperature are measured at the upper Providence meteorological site, from a location with a south facing aspect, using a Campbell Scientific logger to control peripheral devices. Snow depth is measured at 5 nodes in the open, at the drip edge and under canopies of an incense-cedar and white fir tree. Soil moisture and temperature are measured at 10, 30, 60, and 90 cm depths coincident with the snow depth nodes. A 10 watt solar panel provides power for monitoring at 10 minute intervals. Data processing compresses to hourly values.
The upper Providence meteorological site (approximately 1980 m) is located within the Providence subcatchment P303.
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.

Created: Nov. 18, 2019, 11:54 p.m.
Authors: Roger Bales · Matthew Meadows · Erin Stacy · Xiande Meng
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual dataset links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual Water Year (WY) data listings on this site. Current individual files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Snow depth, soil moisture and soil temperature are measured at the upper Providence meteorological site, from a location with a south facing aspect, using a Campbell Scientific logger to control peripheral devices. Snow depth is measured at 5 nodes in the open, at the drip edge and under canopies of an incense-cedar and white fir tree. Soil moisture and temperature are measured at 10, 30, 60, and 90 cm depths coincident with the snow depth nodes. A 10 watt solar panel provides power for monitoring at 10 minute intervals. Data processing compresses to hourly values.
The upper Providence meteorological site (approximately 1980 m) is located within the Providence subcatchment P303.
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.

Created: Nov. 18, 2019, 11:59 p.m.
Authors: Roger Bales · Matthew Meadows · Erin Stacy · Xiande Meng
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual dataset links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual Water Year (WY) data listings on this site. Current individual files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Snow depth, soil moisture and soil temperature are measured at the upper Providence meteorological site, from a location with a flat aspect, using a Campbell Scientific logger to control peripheral devices. Snow depth is measured at 5 nodes in the open, at the drip edge and under canopies of an incense-cedar and white fir tree. Soil moisture and temperature are measured at 10, 30, 60, and 90 cm depths coincident with the snow depth nodes. A 10 watt solar panel provides power for monitoring at 10 minute intervals. Data processing compresses to hourly values.
The upper Providence meteorological site (approximately 1980 m) is located within the Providence subcatchment P303.
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 12:07 a.m.
Authors: Carolyn Hunsaker
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual dataset links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual Water Year (WY) data listings on this site. Current individual files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Kings River Experimental Watershed (KREW): Discharge values for Providence creek catchment and three subcatchments (P301, P303, and P304) plus another nearby small catchment (D102). Values are presented by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year). 15 min data were compressed to hourly and daily during the data processing procedure. Further information on data processing is available at the SSCZO digital library.
P301, P303, P304, D102 flow is channelized through two Parshall flumes (small >3 inch and large >1 feet). P300 flow is channelized through a 120 degree v-notch weir. At all sites stream stage and discharge are measured using a Teledyne-Isco 6712 with 730 bubbler. High flow stream stage and discharge are measured using an Advanced Measurements & Controls Inc. Aquarod AR100
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
Date Range Comments: 15 min, hourly, and daily

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:19 a.m.
Authors: Peter Hartsough · Jan Hopmans
An array of sensors distributed around Critical Zone Tree-1 provides highly detailed data on the water balance of a single white fir (Abies concolor) tree. Data are logged on a refined spatial and temporal scale. See the map tab for more information on the sensor and soil pit locations. Soil volumetric water content (VWC) temperature, and electrical conductivity measured using Decagon Devices 5-TE sensor at depths of 10, 30, 60, and 90 cm below the mineral soil surface in 6 soil pits. Pits range from 1-5 m from CZT-1.
Additional metadata information is available for the site and methods .
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
Date Range Comments: hourly

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:20 a.m.
Authors: Peter Hartsough · Jan Hopmans
**These files are currently listed as private. Please direct access inquiries for these data to Data Manager Xiande Meng.**
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual dataset to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual Water Year (WY) data listings on this site. Current individual files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
An array of sensors distributed around Critical Zone Tree-1 provides highly detailed data on the water balance of a single white fir (Abies concolor) tree. Data are logged on a refined spatial and temporal scale. See the map tab for more information on the sensor and soil pit locations. Soil water potential mesured (SWP) measured using 72 MPS sensors arranged in spokes 30 degrees apart and alongside VWC sensors in vertical pits and using tensiometers. Soil water potential is colocated with soil volumetric water content (VWC) temperature, and electrical conductivity measured using Decagon Devices 5-TE sensor at depths of 10, 30, 60, and 90 cm below the mineral soil surface in 6 soil pits. Pits range from 1-5 m from CZT-1.
Date Range Comments: hourly

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:21 a.m.
Authors: Peter Hartsough · Jan Hopmans
An array of sensors distributed around Critical Zone Tree-1 provides highly detailed data on the water balance of a single white fir (Abies concolor) tree. Data are logged on a refined spatial and temporal scale. See the map tab for more information on the sensor and soil pit locations. Sap Flow measured by the Heat-Pulse Method sensors spaced radially around CZT1, facing N, SE, SW and W
Additional metadata information is available for the site and methods .
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
Date Range Comments: 30 min data

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:21 a.m.
Authors: National Atmospheric Deposition Program
**These files are currently listed as private. Please direct access inquiries for these data to Data Manager Xiande Meng.**
Precipitation and atmospheric deposition data collected at the Upper Meteorological site as part of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP)
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Date Range Comments: hourly

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:22 a.m.
Authors: Peter Hartsough · Jan Hopmans
**Some of these files are currently listed as private. Please direct access inquiries for these data to Data Manager Xiande Meng.**
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) dataset links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Like the CZT-1 site, a number of sensors are arrayed around the Critical Zone Tree 2 to provide spatially and temporally resolved data on the water balance of a single tree. CZT-2 is a Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa). At this tree, 8 pits are arranged in the cardinal directions, up to 5 m from the tree. Soil temperature, moisture, and matric potential sensors are installed in each pit at depths of 15, 30, 60 cm, and deeper when soil depth allows below the mineral soil surface.
Data control and storage on Campbell Scientific CR1000 dataloggers, using AM16/32B multiplexers.
Soil volumetric water content (VWC) temperature, and electrical conductivity measured using Decagon Devices 5-TE sensors at depths of 15, 30, 60 cm, and deeper when soil depth allows below the mineral soil surface.
Soil matric potential (SWP) measured using Decagon Devices MPS-1 sensor and tensiometers.
Sap Flow measured by the Heat-Pulse Method sensors spaced radially around CZT-2, facing N, E, S and W.
Date Range Comments: hourly

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:23 a.m.
Authors: Carolyn Husaker
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Years (WY) and other links to immediately download a data file.
NOTE: We are working to update individual data listings on this site. Current files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to see all publicly accessible files.
Bull Creek Lower Met data collected by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year). Standard meteorological data are being collected at the Bull Lower Meteorological site using a Campbell Scientific logger to control peripheral devices. The data are remotely downloaded via radio modem through the USFS radio network. A 15 watt solar panel provides power to continuously monitor temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, radiation, snow depth, snow density and rainfall intensity at 15 minute intervals. Data processing compresses data to hourly intervals. The Bull Lower Met site is located at 2195 meters in elevation.
This met station is located at the Bull Creek site of the Kings River Experimental Watershed (KREW). Both the Providence and Bull Creek met stations were erected by the Forest Service Pacific Southwest research station as part of the KREW project using the same methods and sensors. Data processing was conducted by the CZO using the same programs. The Bull creek site acts as a nearby paired area, approximately 400 m higher in elevation than the Providence sites. See additional information on the methods, including sensors used, and site .
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:37 a.m.
Authors: Carolyn Hunsaker
Bull Creek Upper Met data collected by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year). Standard meteorological data are being collected at the Bull Upper Meteorological site using a Campbell Scientific logger to control peripheral devices. The data are remotely downloaded via radio modem through the USFS radio network. A 15 watt solar panel provides power to continuously monitor temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, radiation, snow depth, snow density and rainfall intensity at 15 minute intervals. Data processing compresses data to hourly intervals. The Bull Upper Met site is located at 2461 meters in elevation.
This met station is located at the Bull Creek site of the Kings River Experimental Watershed (KREW). Both the Providence and Bull Creek met stations were erected by the Forest Service Pacific Southwest research station as part of the KREW project using the same methods and sensors. Data processing was conducted by the CZO using the same programs. The Bull creek site acts as a nearby paired area, approximately 400 m higher in elevation than the Providence sites. See additional information on the methods, including sensors used, and site .
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:39 a.m.
Authors: Roger Bales · Steven Glaser
A wireless sensor network is distributed across the P301 Subcatchment basin P301. Each node has a series of ecological sensors to monitor snow depth, soil moisture, soil temperature, and global solar radiation, as well as a mote to communicate with the rest of the wireless sensor network. Each node in this network is designed to withstand the harsh mountain conditions, and the redundant nature of the wireless network provides stability and flexibility for communication to continue even if one of the motes is impacted.
The specific sensors were located to track variability in water balance variables between different tree species, as well as differences between locations under the tree canopy, at the drip edge of the canopy, and in open canopy areas. Additional sensors are located in the P301 meadow to provide additional data for meadow hydrology studies.
Specific information is available at sensors and methods 2011-2014 , sensors and methods 2014-current and site locations of each of the nodes .
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:42 a.m.
Authors: Peter Kirchner · Roger Bales · Erin Stacy · Xiande Meng
The Panther Meteorological station is located in Seqouia National Park. This is a site in the same region as the CZO, providing a point of comparison for the variability of the water balance across the landscape. Data is collected by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year), however WY 2007 is partial, starting in November 2006. WY 2012 is also a partial water year, with data through May 5, 2012.
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
Date Range Comments: hourly

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:44 a.m.
Authors: Peter Kirchner · Roger Bales · Erin Stacy · Xiande Meng
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Years (WY) and other links to immediately download a data file.
NOTE: We are working to update individual data listings on this site. Current files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to see all publicly accessible files.
The Wolverton Meteorological station is located in Seqouia National Park. This is a site in the same region as the CZO, providing a point of comparison for the variability of the water balance across the landscape. Data is collected by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year), however WY 2006 is partial, starting at the end of July. WY 2012 is also a partial water year, with data through March 23, 2012.
Date Range Comments: hourly

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:46 a.m.
Authors: Peter Kirchner · Roger Bales
Sap flow data at 4 different sites at the Wolverton research site. Data is collected by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year), however WY 2007 is partial, starting in April. WY 2012 is also a partial water year, with data through March 23, 2012. Also see related dataset on soil moisture from these sites.
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation methods, and processing notes.
Date Range Comments: 15 min

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:49 a.m.
Authors: Peter Kirchner · Roger Bales · Erin Stacy · Xiande Meng
Soil moisture data at 4 different sites at the Wolverton research site. Data is collected by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year), however WY 2007 is partial, starting March 2007. Data is sporadic until about June-July, depending on location. WY 2012 is also a partial water year, with data through March 22, 2012. Also see related dataset on sap flow from these sites.
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:51 a.m.
Authors: Peter Kirchner · Roger Bales
**These files are currently listed as private. Please direct access inquiries for these data to Data Manager Xiande Meng.**
Snow depth data at 6 different sites at the Wolverton research site. Data is collected by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year) for winters 2006-2007 through 2010-2011. Also see related datasets on sap flow, soil moisture, and meteorology from these sites.
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Years (WY) and other links to immediately download a data file.
NOTE: We are working to update individual data listings on this site. Current files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to see all publicly accessible files.

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 2:52 a.m.
Authors: Meadows, M. · Stuemky, M.
Spatial data describing the catchment boundaries, roads, streams, wireless sensor network and other items of interest within the study sites of Providence and Bull Creeks, as well as the broader context of Sierra National Forest.
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available (parent folder excludes data dictionary files).
You may also click on individual file links to immediately download a file.
NOTE: We are working to update individual data listings on this site. Current individual data listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files (excludes data dictionary files).

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 4:06 a.m.
Authors: Stacy, E.
Spatial data describing the catchment boundaries, roads, streams, wireless sensor network, and other items of interest within the study site of Providence, as well as the broader context of Sierra National Forest.
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available.
You may also click on individual file links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual data listings on this site. Current individual data files listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 4:08 a.m.
Authors: Mike Goulden · Anne Kelly
Level 2 process data from P301 flux tower
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 4:12 a.m.
Authors: Mike Goulden · Anne Kelly
Level 2 processed data from SJER flux tower.
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) links to immediately download a file of the WY's data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Rough list of instruments
'PAR Li-190 w/604? resistor; LiCor/Campbell',' ;'
'Pyranometer Kipp and Zonen CMP3',''
'Net radiometer Q*7 REBS',''
'Net radiometer NR Lite; Kipp and Zonen',''
'HMP45C RH and AirT; Vaisala',''
'CSAT3 Sonic Anemometer; Campbell',''
'IRGA Li-7000; LiCor',''
'Rain Gauge TE-25; Campbell',''

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 4:13 a.m.
Authors: Mike Goulden · Anne Kelly
Level 2 processed data from Soaproot Saddle flux tower.
Click on Parent Folder to access all data and metadata that are currently available. Metadata include site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.
You may also click on individual Water Year (WY) links to immediately download a file of the data.
NOTE: We are working to update individual WY data listings on this site. Current individual WYs listed below may not represent all available data and metadata. Click on the Parent Folder link to access all files.
Rough list of instruments:
'PAR Li-190 w/604? resistor; LiCor/Campbell',' ;'
'Pyranometer Kipp and Zonen CMP3',''
'Net radiometer Q*7 REBS',''
'Net radiometer NR Lite; Kipp and Zonen',''
'HMP45C RH and AirT; Vaisala',''
'CSAT3 Sonic Anemometer; Campbell',''
'IRGA Li-7000; LiCor',''
'Rain Gauge TE-25; Campbell',''

Created: Nov. 19, 2019, 7:37 a.m.
Authors: Qinghua Guo · Roger Bales · National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping
Southern Sierra CZO Lidar flight was acquired in 2010 and consists of 2 flights - Snow on (3/14/2010 - 3/24/2010) and snow off (8/5/2010 - 8/15/2010).
Each flight has 6 sub-areas defined as: Bull (Area 1), Courtwright Road (Area 2), Providence (Area 3), San Joaquin Range (Area 4), Soaproot Saddle (Area 5), and Wolverton (Area 6).
The datasets include 1m digital surface model (filtered and unfiltered), 1m digital elevation models (filtered and unfiltered), and the raw Lidar point clouds (LAS format) in 1 km by 1 km tiles.
These data are publicly available at OpenTopography.
Funding from National Science Foundation EAR-0922307 (

Created: Nov. 21, 2019, 4:04 p.m.
Authors: Carolyn Hunsaker
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Discharge values for three subcatchments (B201, B203, B204) of Bull Creek plus another nearby small catchment in the Teakettle Experimental Forest (T003). Values are presented by water year (previous October 01 through September 30 of named year). 15 min data were compressed to hourly and daily during the data processing procedure. B201, B203, and B204 flow is channelized through two Parshall flumes (small 2 feet). T003 flow is channelized through a 120 degree v-notch weir. At all sites stream stage and discharge are measured using a Teledyne-Isco 6712 with 730 bubbler. High flow stream stage and discharge are measured using an Advanced Measurements & Controls Inc. Aquarod AR100
This met station is located at the Bull Creek site of the Kings River Experimental Watershed (KREW). Both the Providence and Bull Creek met stations were erected by the Forest Service Pacific Southwest research station as part of the KREW project using the same methods and sensors. Data processing was conducted by the CZO using the same programs. The Bull creek site acts as a nearby paired area, approximately 400 m higher in elevation than the Providence sites. See additional information on the methods, including sensors used, and site .
Additional metadata are available in the parent directory of this dataset, such as site properties, instrumentation, and processing notes.