Jonathan Czuba
Virginia Tech | Assistant Professor
Subject Areas: | Rivers, Floodplains |
Recent Activity
Velocity, stage, sediment, and survey data collected in 2019 in the Dan River, North Carolina, in support of:
Sumaiya Sumaiya, Jonathan A. Czuba, William T. Russ, and Rachael Hoch (in review) Potential for Juvenile Freshwater Mussels to Settle onto Riverbeds from Field Investigation
This dataset contains data collected in 2019 from the Dan River upstream of its confluence with Big Creek at US Highway 89 in North Carolina.
GIS shapefile data
Survey data
Sediment data
Uplooking velocity data
Cross section velocity data
Pressure transducer data
2D HEC-RAS simulated depths, velocities, water-surface elevations, and inundation boundaries from
Sumaiya, S., J.A. Czuba, J.T. Schubert, and J. E. Pizzuto (in review), Incorporating flowpaths as an explicit measure of river-floodplain connectivity to improve predictions of floodplain sediment deposition.
Overview of Flows.xlsx -- provides an overview of all 18 steady-state flows simulated in the model with an index value (1-18), the discharge at the USGS 01627500 SOUTH RIVER AT HARRISTON, VA gage, and the "date" of the model simulation result.
> This folder contains TIF files of the exported depth results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.
Shear Stress\
> This folder contains TIF files of the exported shear stress results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.
> This folder contains TIF files of the exported velocity results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.
Inundation Boundary\
> This folder contains shape files of the exported inundation boundary results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.
This dataset contains data collected along Sinking Creek in Giles County, Virginia.
This dataset includes data on tree characteristics, flow stage and discharge, bed sediment grain size, and channel geomorphology extracted from lidar.
This data supports the following publication:
Christensen, N.D., J.A. Czuba, S. Triantafillou, C.A. Copenheaver, J.A. Peterson, and W.C. Hession,
Establishment and persistence of trees growing in the channel of an intermittent stream in a temperate, karst environment.
The related tree core data are available in the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB) as Christensen - Sinking Creek - New Zion Road - PLOC - ITRDB VA044, located here:
This resource contains physical data collected in the Dan and Roanoke River Basin in South-Central Virginia and North-Central North Carolina. The collection of this data was partially supported by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (8020.18.059147).
This dataset includes surveyed channel cross sections, measures of embeddedness and silt cover, and summary variables at the sites.
This data is in support of the paper:
Jonathan A. Czuba, Mallory Hirschler, Elizabeth A. Pratt, Amy Villamagna, and Paul L. Angermeier (2021). Bankfull shear velocity predicts embeddedness and silt cover in gravel streambeds. River Research and Applications.
This resource complies the data in support of the publication:
Ahammad, M., J.A. Czuba, A. Pfeiffer, B.P. Murphy, and P. Belmont (2021), Simulated dynamics of mixed versus uniform grain size sediment pulses in a gravel-bedded river, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 126, e2021JF006194.
It includes:
-- code that runs the model in MATLAB
-- model inputs of river width and slope
-- surveyed GSD of the bed surface
-- conditioned GSD used for modeling
-- simulated sediment pulse movement from the river network from Ahammad et al., 2021, JGR
-- simulated summary results from Ahammad et al., 2021, JGR
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Created: Nov. 11, 2020, 4:40 p.m.
Authors: Czuba, Jonathan
This is a lidar DEM originally downloaded from Open Topography, a bathymetric surface has been added to the river from survey data collected in October 2016, and roadways have been cut out at select locations so that water can be conveyed across the floodplain surface at culverts that could not otherwise be added to a 2D HEC-RAS model.

This collection collates data for the East Fork White River near Seymour, IN.
It includes:
-- raw single-beam bathymetry points
-- lidar DEM with integrated bathymetry used for modeling
-- 2017 high-water marks
-- floodplain channel velocities measured with an ADCP with associated RTK GPS water-surface elevations
-- suspended sediment concentrations and particle sizes measured in the floodplain channels and river
-- bed material sediment particle size distributions measured on the floodplain surface and river bar
-- miscellaneous shapefiles used in analysis of model results
-- simulated 2D HEC-RAS depths from Czuba et al., 2019, WRR
-- simulated 2D HEC-RAS depths, velocities, shear stresses, and water-surface elevations from Sumaiya et al., 2021, WRR

Created: Nov. 11, 2020, 8:51 p.m.
Authors: Czuba, Jonathan
This dataset contains 4 shapefiles:
These data were collected on the 11th and 18th of October 2016, respectively.
...RTK_WSEL_snap.shp -- contain water-surface elevations measured with an RTK GPS providing highly accurate elevation measurements at several locations along the river.
...DS_AT_Proc.shp -- contain depths measured with a depth sounder. The spatial position is approximate and the valid vertical measurement is depth as "Depth_ft_", which is water depth at the time of the survey in feet.
These are a raw form of the data that were used to develop a bathymetric surface used for modeling.

Created: Nov. 11, 2020, 9:31 p.m.
Authors: Czuba, Jonathan
These RTK GPS survey points were collected on 3 March 2017.
The "Code" attribute refers to the following:
"DEBRIS" -- the location of some sort of debris line (corn stalks, leaves, wood) that indicated high water in the past that we believe was tied to a flooding event earlier that January.
"WSEL" -- water-surface elevation at the time of the survey. This marks the extent/location of water on the floodplain at the time of survey.
"ICE" -- the location of ice, the water-surface was higher the previous day and had been receding over night, at some point the water froze to ice, and this marks the location of the water surface when some of the water froze to ice. Not all ice had melted by the morning of the survey.
"MUD" -- locations where the ground was wet and likely had been inundated recently, perhaps marking a high point of flooding from the most recent storm(?)
For the January 2017 high water-marks used by
Czuba, J.A., S.R. David, D.A. Edmonds, and A.S. Ward (2019), Dynamics of surface-water connectivity in a low-gradient meandering river floodplain, Water Resources Research, 55(3), 1849-1870,
only the "DEBRIS" points were used.

Created: Nov. 12, 2020, 1:48 a.m.
Authors: Czuba, Jonathan
Velocity and water-surface elevation data collected on 1 and 2 May 2017.\
>>>All_Data_050117.shp -- contains the processed depth-averaged velocity data from VMT used for model comparison (note that some bad values exist and were removed in the final comparison). "DAVmag_cmp" is the magnitude of the depth-averaged velocity in cm/s.
>>>ADCP_050117.xls -- contains a very brief overview description of each ADCP transect collected.
>>>>EFWRFPC_050117.mmt -- is the WinRiver2 ADCP measurement file that contains the raw velocity data.
>>>01May2017_RTK.shp -- are the water-surface elevations during the time of the ADCP velocity survey.
>>>All_Data_050217.shp -- contains the processed depth-averaged velocity data from VMT used for model comparison (note that some bad values exist and were removed in the final comparison). "DAVmag_cmp" is the magnitude of the depth-averaged velocity in cm/s.
>>>ADCP_050217.xls -- contains a very brief overview description of each ADCP transect collected.
>>>>efwrfpc050217.mmt -- is the WinRiver2 ADCP measurement file that contains the raw velocity data.
>>>02May2017_RTK.shp -- are the water-surface elevations during the time of the ADCP velocity survey.

Created: Nov. 12, 2020, 2:13 a.m.
Authors: Czuba, Jonathan
Suspended-sediment data collected on 3 March, 1 and 2 May 2017. Data include suspended-sediment concentration and particle-size distribution data.
Compiled_sediment.xlsx -- contains the SSC and PSD sample data.
SedimentSummary.shp -- indicates the spatial location of each suspended-sediment sample.

Created: Nov. 12, 2020, 2:30 a.m.
Authors: Czuba, Jonathan
Bed material sediment collected from the floodplain surface and river bar on 12 August 2019.
EFWR Floodplain Sediment.xlsx -- contains notes on samples and processed sample data including particle size distribution.
EFWR_sediment_12Aug2019_2.shp -- locations of bed material sampling locations.

Created: Nov. 12, 2020, 3:10 a.m.
Authors: Czuba, Jonathan
Miscellaneous shapefiles associated with the development and analysis of the 2D HEC-RAS model from
Czuba, J.A., S.R. David, D.A. Edmonds, and A.S. Ward (2019), Dynamics of surface-water connectivity in a low-gradient meandering river floodplain, Water Resources Research, 55(3), 1849-1870,
AOI.shp -- Area of Interest, extent of inundation for the largest flow.
digi_banklines.shp -- hand-digitized top of bank along left and right banks in the AOI.
domainCL.shp -- river centerline through the entire model domain.

Created: Nov. 12, 2020, 3:15 a.m.
Authors: Czuba, Jonathan
2D HEC-RAS simulated depths from
Czuba, J.A., S.R. David, D.A. Edmonds, and A.S. Ward (2019), Dynamics of surface-water connectivity in a low-gradient meandering river floodplain, Water Resources Research, 55(3), 1849-1870,
Overview of Flows.xlsx -- provides an overview of all 21 steady-state flows simulated in the model with an index value (1-21), the discharge at the USGS Seymour gage, and the "date" of the model simulation result.
> This folder contains TIF files of the exported depth results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.
EFWR_FPCN_digi_diss_split.shp -- is a hand-digitized network of connected flow paths created at each successive level of inundation. The attribute "Active" describes the flow (index 1-21) when that "channel" or connected pathway becomes first activated.

Created: Jan. 26, 2021, 7:16 p.m.
Authors: Czuba, Jonathan
2D HEC-RAS simulated depths, velocities, water-surface elevations, and shear stresses from
Sumaiya, S., J.A. Czuba, J.T. Schubert, S.R. David, G.H. Johnston, and D.A. Edmonds (in review), Sediment transport potential in a hydraulically connected river and floodplain-channel system
Overview of Flows.xlsx -- provides an overview of all 21 steady-state flows simulated in the model with an index value (1-21), the discharge at the USGS Seymour gage, and the "date" of the model simulation result.
> This folder contains TIF files of the exported depth results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.
Shear Stress\
> This folder contains TIF files of the exported shear stress results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.
> This folder contains TIF files of the exported velocity results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.
> This folder contains TIF files of the exported water-surface elevation results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.

This resource complies the data in support of the publication:
Ahammad, M., J.A. Czuba, A. Pfeiffer, B.P. Murphy, and P. Belmont (2021), Simulated dynamics of mixed versus uniform grain size sediment pulses in a gravel-bedded river, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 126, e2021JF006194.
It includes:
-- code that runs the model in MATLAB
-- model inputs of river width and slope
-- surveyed GSD of the bed surface
-- conditioned GSD used for modeling
-- simulated sediment pulse movement from the river network from Ahammad et al., 2021, JGR
-- simulated summary results from Ahammad et al., 2021, JGR

This resource contains physical data collected in the Dan and Roanoke River Basin in South-Central Virginia and North-Central North Carolina. The collection of this data was partially supported by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (8020.18.059147).
This dataset includes surveyed channel cross sections, measures of embeddedness and silt cover, and summary variables at the sites.
This data is in support of the paper:
Jonathan A. Czuba, Mallory Hirschler, Elizabeth A. Pratt, Amy Villamagna, and Paul L. Angermeier (2021). Bankfull shear velocity predicts embeddedness and silt cover in gravel streambeds. River Research and Applications.

Created: Oct. 28, 2021, 5:51 p.m.
Authors: Czuba, Jonathan
This dataset contains data collected along Sinking Creek in Giles County, Virginia.
This dataset includes data on tree characteristics, flow stage and discharge, bed sediment grain size, and channel geomorphology extracted from lidar.
This data supports the following publication:
Christensen, N.D., J.A. Czuba, S. Triantafillou, C.A. Copenheaver, J.A. Peterson, and W.C. Hession,
Establishment and persistence of trees growing in the channel of an intermittent stream in a temperate, karst environment.
The related tree core data are available in the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB) as Christensen - Sinking Creek - New Zion Road - PLOC - ITRDB VA044, located here:

Created: June 9, 2023, 3:04 a.m.
Authors: Sumaiya, FNU
2D HEC-RAS simulated depths, velocities, water-surface elevations, and inundation boundaries from
Sumaiya, S., J.A. Czuba, J.T. Schubert, and J. E. Pizzuto (in review), Incorporating flowpaths as an explicit measure of river-floodplain connectivity to improve predictions of floodplain sediment deposition.
Overview of Flows.xlsx -- provides an overview of all 18 steady-state flows simulated in the model with an index value (1-18), the discharge at the USGS 01627500 SOUTH RIVER AT HARRISTON, VA gage, and the "date" of the model simulation result.
> This folder contains TIF files of the exported depth results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.
Shear Stress\
> This folder contains TIF files of the exported shear stress results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.
> This folder contains TIF files of the exported velocity results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.
Inundation Boundary\
> This folder contains shape files of the exported inundation boundary results from HEC-RAS. The date of the file name corresponds to the flows specified in the Excel spreadsheet.

Created: Nov. 28, 2023, 8:46 p.m.
Authors: Czuba, Jonathan · Sumaiya, FNU
Velocity, stage, sediment, and survey data collected in 2019 in the Dan River, North Carolina, in support of:
Sumaiya Sumaiya, Jonathan A. Czuba, William T. Russ, and Rachael Hoch (in review) Potential for Juvenile Freshwater Mussels to Settle onto Riverbeds from Field Investigation
This dataset contains data collected in 2019 from the Dan River upstream of its confluence with Big Creek at US Highway 89 in North Carolina.
GIS shapefile data
Survey data
Sediment data
Uplooking velocity data
Cross section velocity data
Pressure transducer data