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2016 CUAHSI Biennial Symposium Workshop
Group for attendees at the 2016 CUAHSI Biennial Symposium to access and share materials used in the workshop and to explore HydroShare collaboration Functionality
About this group:
Join us from 1:30-3:30 on July 26, 2016 at the CUAHSI biennial symposium in Shepherdstown, WV to learn how CUAHSI’s data access and analysis tools can be incorporated into your teaching and research. During the first half the workshop, participants will learn how to discover and download data from the CUAHSI Water Data Center using CUAHSI’s web application HydroClient and how to analyze data using the WaterML R Package. Workshop participants will be asked to provide feedback on these tools, and CUAHSI staff will explain how such feedback is incorporated into the development process, as well as how one can become more involved in guiding development choices.
The second half of the workshop will introduce HydroShare. HydroShare is a platform for data publication and collaboration for users to share multiple hydrologic data types, analytical tools, and models. During this portion of the workshop, participants will learn how to use HydroShare to:
(1) Upload, share and publish science products in HydroShare and receive a citable digital object identifier (DOI). This helps fulfill NSF’s data management requirements.
(2) Use HydroShare for collaboration, sharing data and models with individual users or a group,
(3) Organize resources into collections in HydroShare,
(4) Use the HydroShare GIS app to visualize and create web maps using content in HydroShare,
(5) Use the CyberGIS TauDEM app to perform web based digital elevation model hydrologic terrain analysis.

2018 CUAHSI Biennial Symposium Workshop
Group for attendees at the 2018 CUAHSI Biennial Symposium to access and share materials used in the workshop and to explore HydroShare collaboration Functionality
About this group:
Join us from 1:15-3:30 on July 31, 2018 at the CUAHSI biennial symposium in Shepherdstown, WV to learn how CUAHSI’s data access and analysis tools can be incorporated into your teaching and research.

2018 CUAHSI NSG for Hydrology Workshop
Hands-on Workshop, “Near-Surface Geophysics for Hydrology” will introduce participants to several key methods of near-surface geophysics and their application to hydrology and critical zone processes.
About this group:
Data storage, processing, and sharing for the 2018 CUAHSI NSG for Hydrology Workshop.

2019 CUAHSI Conference on Hydroinformatics
Share presentations, data, and anything else from the conference.
About this group:
Public group for attendees and those who were not able to make it to BYU.

2019 CUAHSI Short Course: Ensemble Forecasting
About this group:
Houses all documents for the 2019 CUAHSI Short Course: The Science and Practice of Operational Ensemble Hydrological Prediction held in May 2019 at NCAR in Boulder, CO.

2019 DIY Water Monitoring, Data Portals, and Watershed Modeling Workshop
About this group:
Group for workshop participants

2020 Hand Made Stream Sensor Virtual Workshop
About this group:
This workshop will provide participants with background on off-the-shelf components that can serve as effective alternatives to expensive industry-standard water sensors, and benefit from the experience of the OPEnS Lab in building, calibrating, and fact-checking hand-made data loggers. The group for the 2021 Virtual Workshop can be found here:

2020 IRES El Salvador Summer Institute
About this group:
This is a collaborative space for the 2020 IRES El Salvador Summer Institute participants.
Michigan Technological University (MTU), the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI), and Lutheran World Relief (LWR) received support from the National Science Foundation - International Research Experience for Students program to explore agricultural community adaptations to extreme hydrometeorological events in El Salvador. The main program activity of this project is an eight-week International Research Experience in agricultural communities of El Salvador. The Summer 2020 (Year 1) cohort of student participants will focus on understanding issues of water availability, gender and power relationships, root causes of vulnerability within communities, and the installation of hydrometeorological monitoring equipment.

2020 Open Source Electronic Hardware for Water Research Workshop
About this group:
A group to compile workshop materials for the November 2020 Virtual Workshop with Stroud Water Research Center.

2021 Open Hydrological Sensor Technologies: DIY Stream Sensor Networks Workshop
About this group:
This workshop provides participants with background on off-the-shelf components that can serve as effective alternatives to expensive industry-standard water sensors, and benefit from the experience of the OPEnS Lab in building, calibrating, and fact-checking hand-made data loggers. This group contains workshop materials. This workshop was held virtually September 20th, 21st and 22nd, 2021. The group for the 2020 hosting of this workshop can be found here:

2022 Open Source Electronics for Water Research Workshop
About this group:
A group to compile resources for the September 2022 Workshop at Stroud Water Research Center.

About this group:
AIMS’ mission is to understand stream intermittency and its implications for downstream water quality, which requires untangling the hydrologic, biogeochemical, and microbiome controls at the interface of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We will develop resources and tools to study intermittent streams, provide training and education in data science, mentor scientists from the undergraduate to the early career level, and generate insights for evidence-based policy making and land management.

About this group:
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Amazon Basin Freshwater Conservation Targets
About this group:
Data and information sharing platform for three working groups: i) Fisheries & Fish Migrations, ii) Andean-Amazon Connectivity, and iii) Floodplains & Natural Flows

Andean Water Systems Group
Study the function and processes of water in the Andean region of the American continent.
About this group:
The Andean Water Systems Group is led by Dr. Luis Angel Gomez Cunya.

Aquatic Ecosystem and Water Resources Systems Modeling
Improving aquatic habitat objectives in water resources systems models, and evaluating tradeoffs between human and environmental water uses with uncertainty.
About this group:
The Aquatic Ecosystem and Water Resources Systems Modeling group is led by Dr. Sarah Null at Utah State University. This group is for students in WATS 6050. We focus on incorporating aquatic / riparian ecosystem or habitat objectives into water resources modeling.

Artificial Intelligence
About this group:
Artificial intelligence group for infrastructure modelling and data management using AI.

BYU Hydroinformatics Class CE 534
This group is for the purpose of learning HydroShare in our class.
About this group:
This is a group for collecting resources developed and shared by students in BYU CE 534 Hydroinformatics courses through the years. Many of the resources are experimental and are meant to demonstrate proficiency with the use of HydroShare. Some represent research results and other datasets are republished from other sources for educational purposes.

BYU Hydroinformatics Lab
The purpose of this group is to share information among research assistants and researchers in the BYU Hydroinformatics Lab.
About this group:
This group is composed of research assistants and researchers in the BYU Hydroinformatics Lab.

BuPuSa Mozambique
This group holds data collected in Mozambique relating to the Pungwe, Save, and Buzi transboundary river basins as a part of the BUPUSA Management of Competing Water Uses and Associated Ecosystems in the Pungwe, Buzi, and Save Basins project
About this group:
This group will be located in the BUPUSA community consisting of 2 groups, BuPuSa Zimbabwe and BuPuSa Mozambique. This will facilitate transboundary data sharing while creating clear contributor pathways.

BuPuSa Zimbabwe
This group holds data collected in Zimbabwe relating to the Pungwe, Save, and Buzi transboundary river basins as a part of the BUPUSA Management of Competing Water Uses and Associated Ecosystems in the Pungwe, Buzi, and Save Basins project.
About this group:
This group will be located in the BUPUSA community consisting of 2 groups, BuPuSa Zimbabwe and BuPuSa Mozambique. This will facilitate transboundary data sharing while creating clear contributor pathways.

CEE 5410/6410 Water Resources Systems Analysis
This group is for students of the Water Resources Systems Analysis (CEE 5410/CEE 6410) course offered at Utah State University
About this group:
Group members share water resources systems analysis projects developed through the course.

CIROH 2024 Developers Conference
Group for sharing presentations and workshop material for Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology (CIROH) Developers Conference Participants.
About this group:
Anyone can join this group, and any resources shared with this group will be listed and accessible to members. The 2024 CIROH Developers Conference will be held May 29-June 1 in Salt Lake City.

CIROH Community Water Modeling
landing page for Community Water Modeling CIROH working group datasets
About this group:
This working group's task is to Develop recommendations for interoperable standards and governance policies and procedures for CIROH’s community developmental version of the NextGen Framework. Develop recommendations for hydrologic model representation across the North American domain. Coordinate with CIROH and other WGs to plan research compute needs.

CIROH Hydroinformatics
Data sharing and collaboration within the CIROH Hydroinformatics group.
About this group:
The task of the CIROH Hydroinformatics group is to Compile recommendations for a CIROH data governance and data sharing policy. Develop recommendations for a data management/sharing strategy for CIROH. Define recommendations for interoperable standards for web app and mobile app development. Develop recommendations for FIM methods nationally.
Group leads:
Dan Ames
Brigham Young University
Belize Lane
Utah State University

CIROH Impact-Based Decision Support
landing page for datasets from the Impact-Based Decision Support CIROH working group
About this group:
Synthesis of forecast design research into recommendations for practice. Develop recommendations for standard methods to enhance data sharing and reproducibility to enhance synthesis and extensibility of the research to impact national scale operations. Develop recommendations for standards/procedures for climate change impact on hydrologic system studies.

CIROH Water Prediction Systems
A group landing page for datasets from the Water Prediction Systems CIROH working group
About this group:
The task of this group is to: Develop definition, standards, and guidance for creation and management of CIROH’s prediction system testbed and model evaluation tools.

About this group:
The Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) deals with the Earth's surface - the ever-changing, dynamic interface between lithosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and atmosphere. We are a diverse community of experts promoting the modeling of earth surface processes by developing, supporting, and disseminating integrated software modules that predict the movement of fluids, and the flux (production, erosion, transport, and deposition) of sediment and solutes in landscapes and their sedimentary basins.

CSDMS 2019 - CUAHSI data clinic
This group is used to collaborate and share data during the CUAHSI Data Services clinic at the 2019 CSDMS Conference in Boulder, CO.
About this group:
This group is used to collaborate and share data during the CUAHSI Data Services clinic at the 2019 CSDMS Conference in Boulder, CO. Users can access the two use case HydroShare resources and the example data set.

Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences
About this group:
Founded in 2001, the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) is a 501(c)3 research organization representing more than 130 U.S. universities and international water science-related organizations. CUAHSI receives support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop infrastructure and services for the advancement of water science in the United States.
Our Mission is to shape the future of hydrologic science by:
- Strengthening multidisciplinary collaboration
- Developing and operating research infrastructure
- Promoting water education and training

CUAHSI 2017 Hurricane Data Community
To share data from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria that impacted the US and Caribbean region in 2017.
About this group:
Following Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria that had significant impacts to parts of the US and islands in the Caribbean there has been much activity to assemble, document and archive data from these events. This data is intended to support research to improve our understanding of and capability to prepare for and respond to such extreme events in the future. This group has been created as a community within HydroShare for users interested in these data archives. This is open for anyone to join. Anyone who joins can share data (HydroShare resources) with this group. Sharing resources with this group makes them accessible to group members and includes them on list of resources shared with this group. This group serves as an overarching organizational collection, listing and discovery vehicle for any community contributed data on any aspect of these Hurricanes.

CUAHSI Cloud Computing
Members of this group are granted access to all of CUAHSI's cloud computing services.
About this group:
CUAHSI hosts cloud computing services to support education and research in hydrologic sciences. Only members of this group can access CUAHSI's cloud computing services (
Your membership request is reviewed by CUAHSI staff during EST working hours. To expedite the approval process, please ensure that your HydroShare user profile is complete and up-to-date.
Contact if you have any questions regarding this process.
Happy Computing :)

CUAHSI Cyberseminars
About this group:
CUAHSI’s Cyberseminar program enables researchers to circulate their work to the broader community by providing an inexpensive and convenient alternative to in person meetings.
Each cyberseminar series features presentations from experts on a new or timely topic, and all cyberseminars are free and open to the public. Additionally, every presentation is recorded and archived for later viewing.

CUAHSI Virtual U. - Snow Modeling 2019
About this group:
This is a repository for members of CUAHSI''s Virtual University Snow Modeling Class, 2019, to save and share code and projects.

CUAHSI Virtual U. - Snow Modeling Class
Learning the basics of snow modeling, including how to run SUMMA using Hydroshare and Cloud Computing
About this group:
students and interested parties

CUAHSI Virtual University Flow Forecasting 2019
This group is to share data for students participating in the CUAHSI Virtual University module on "Forecasting river flows and floods using hydrologic models". If you are a student on this course, please ask to join; only CUAHSI VU students will be accepted.
About this group:
The flow forecasting module is taught by Dr Hilary McMillan at San Diego State University. Group members will gain access to flow and climate data and model scripts.

CZO Boulder
Data archive for the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory (BCCZO), Colorado. Active from 2007 to 2020.
About this group:
BCCZO studies how erosion and weathering control Critical Zone architecture and evolution, concentrating on slope, climate, ecosystems, and rock properties. It spans from the Continental Divide (4120 m) in the Front Range of the Rockies to the western edge of the Plains (1480 m). BCCZO is one of ten NSF-supported critical zone observatories.

CZO Calhoun
Data archive for the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory (CCZO), South Carolina. Active from 2014 to 2020.
About this group:
CCZO integrates human and natural forcings of Earth’s Critical Zones and the sciences of water, mineral, and organic matter cycles. It is located in a region with an environmental history that involves some of the most serious agricultural land and water degradation in North America. CCZO is one of ten NSF-supported critical zone observatories.

CZO Catalina-Jemez
Data archive for the Catalina-Jemez Critical Zone Observatory (CJCZO), Arizona/New Mexico. Active from 2009 to 2020.
About this group:
CJCZO focuses on measuring geomorphic, hydrologic, and biogeochemical interactions that drive theory and modeling of Critical Zone evolution. It comprises elevation (climate) gradients on rhyolite, granite and schist in the Santa Catalina Mountains of southern Arizona and the Jemez River basin of northern New Mexico. CJCZO is one of ten NSF-supported critical zone observatories.

CZO Christina
Data archive for the Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory (CRBCZO), Delaware and Pennsylvania. Active from 2009 to 2013.
About this group:
CRBCZO integrates knowledge of water, mineral and carbon cycles to quantify human impact on Critical Zone carbon sequestration - from soils to sea. It is located in the Piedmont and Atlantic Coastal Plain which provides drinking water to a million people in Delaware and Pennsylvania. CRBCZO is one of ten NSF-supported critical zone observatories.

Data archive for the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory (ERCZO), California. Active from 2014 to 2020.
About this group:
ERCZO is a multi-disciplinary research collaborative based at the University of California, Berkeley. Our research focus is to explore how biotic and abiotic factors interact in the near-surface environment (from bedrock to tree top) and how these relationships impact environmental processes. ERCZO is one of ten NSF-supported critical zone observatories.
Publication list:

Data archive for the IML Critical Zone Observatory (IMLCZO), Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota. Active from 2014 to 2020.
About this group:
IMLCZO studies the Critical Zone of Intensively Managed Landscapes. These landscapes serve as a cradle for our economic prosperity, but this intense level of change can also contribute to the deterioration of the environment. IMLCZO is one of ten NSF-supported critical zone observatories.

CZO Luquillo
Data archive for the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory (LCZO), Puerto Rico. Active from 2009 to 2020.
About this group:
LCZO focuses on how Critical Zone processes and water balances differ in tropical landscapes with contrasting bedrock but similar climatic and environmental histories. Our infrastructure, sampling strategy, and data management system include watersheds underlain by granodiorite (GD) and volcaniclastic (VC) bedrock in the natural laboratory of the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. LCZO is one of ten NSF-supported critical zone observatories.

CZO National
Data archive for the Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) National program. Active from 2007 to 2020.
About this group:
Our ten U.S. environmental observatories study Earth's outer skin - where water, atmosphere, ecosystems, and soil, and rock interact.

CZO Reynolds
Data archive for the Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory (RCCZO), Idaho. Active from 2014 to 2020.
About this group:
RCCZO observes, experiments, and models soil carbon at the intermediate watershed scale. Soil carbon is the largest terrestrial C store but remains a large source of uncertainty in global climate models due to scaling and process understanding. RCCZO is one of ten NSF-supported critical zone observatories.

CZO Shale Hills
Data archive for the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (SSHCZO), Pennsylvania. Active from 2007 to 2020.
About this group:
SSHCZO emphasizes quantitative prediction of Critical Zone creation and structure, focusing on pathways and rates of water, solutes, and sediments. Our CZO is a forested, first-order catchment on shale bedrock in a temperate climate. Our research spans timescales ranging from the meteorological to the geological. SSHCZO is one of ten NSF-supported critical zone observatories.

CZO Southern Sierra
Data archive for the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory (SSCZO), California. Active from 2007 to 2020.
About this group:
SSCZO is a platform and program for investigating how the water cycle drives Critical Zone processes, focusing on water balance, nutrient cycling, and weathering. It is based in the southwestern Sierra Nevada with sites ranging from oak savannah to subalpine forest, crossing the rain-snow transition zone. SSCZO is one of ten NSF-supported critical zone observatories.

CZnet Bedrock Cluster
This group will consolidate bedrock data for the critical zone network bedrock thematic cluster
About this group:
Scientific questions:
1. What controls regolith thickness across landscapes?
2. How and why do subsurface weathering and porosity vary spatially?
3. How do subsurface properties affect landscape evolution, hydrologic processes, and ecosystem vulnerability?
4. How are processes in the near-surface and deep CZ connected, and which bidirectional couplings between the surface and deep CZ emerge as key controls on CZ structure?

CZnet Big Data Cluster
This group will consolidate Big data for the critical zone network Big Data thematic cluster
About this group:
The processes that govern the responses to disturbances are very complex and many traditional research methods are not adapted to disentangling the processes and ecosystem characteristics that make our environment resilient. We use a group of statistical tools that can find patterns in a lot of noise and deal with this complexity (aptly called “complex systems tools"). Our project is called the "Big Data Cluster” because we use these tools on “Big Data”, i.e. existing and newly collected data that have either high volume (a lot of data), high velocity (almost real-time data), variety (very different data types), veracity (data of varying quality) and/or value (data ready for use).

CZnet CINet Cluster
Critical interfaces serve as transition areas (or boundary layers) for the transmission of material and gaseous fluxes.
About this group:
This group will consolidate CINet data for the critical zone network CINET thematic cluster

CZnet Coastal Cluster
This group will consolidate coastal data for the critical zone network coastal thematic cluster.
About this group:
The Coastal Thematic Cluster will quantify the coupled processes and feedbacks that govern the transformations in the coastal critical zone to understand how shifts in the transition zone translate to changes in cycling, fluxes, and storage of critical elements at the land-sea margin.

CZnet Drylands Cluster
This group will consolidate drylands data for the critical zone network Drylands thematic cluster
About this group:
We will explore these questions using a comprehensive set of tools including eddy covariance towers, deep CZ drilling, hydrogeophysical surveys, soil and hydrologic sensors, isotopic analysis, synchrotron, geochemical proxies, and genetic sequencing. These efforts build on, and will contribute to, the rich collection of historical data, knowledge, and models at our four primary field sites: the Jornada LTER, the Reynolds Creek CZO, a USDA-ARS site in Kimberly, ID, and irrigated agricultural sites along the Rio Grande valley in Texas.

CZnet Dust^2 Cluster
This group will consolidate Dust^2 data for the critical zone network Dust^2 CZnet thematic cluster
About this group:
The emission, transport, and deposition of mineral dust plays a key role in functioning of the critical zone. This is especially true in mountain environments where dust deposition has been shown to alter the pH and chemistry of surface water, contribute to soil formation, deliver important plant available nutrients, and decrease the albedo of snow, causing earlier snowpack melt.

CZnet Dynamic Water Cluster
This group will consolidate bedrock data for the critical zone network bedrock thematic cluster
About this group:
Dynamic Storage Project Goals
Advance understanding of the interactions among dynamic water storage, CZ processes, and water provisioning in the complex physiology of western U.S. montane ecosystems
Explore how dynamic water storage and CZ processes will change under global drivers
Create educational opportunities and resources that are accessible to a diverse student population, including K-12 to postgraduates

CZnet Geomicrobiology Cluster
This group will consolidate geomicrobiology data for the critical zone network geomicrobiology thematic cluster
About this group:
We will build on existing capabilities within several former CZOs to investigate the linkages between depth-dependent microbial structure, function, and biotic and abiotic features of the soil environment to better understand the interactions between geomicrobiology and biogeochemistry throughout CZ weathering profiles.

CZnet Hub
The group will contain materials relevant to the CZnet coordinating hub
About this group:
Materials related to the CZnet coordinating hub, from CUAHSI and other CZnet collaborators, may be shared here.

Carbonate Critical Zone RCN
About this group:
This is a group for the Critical Zone RCN

Center for Infrastructure Modeling and Managment
About this group:
This group is for the Center for Infrastructure Modeling and Management.

Computational Hydro Lab at Syracuse University
Data storage and sharing for members of the Computational Hydro Lab at Syracuse University
About this group:
Data storage and sharing for members of the Computational Hydro Lab at Syracuse University

Contaminant Hydrology
We study the fate and transport of organic and inorganic contaminant in groundwater using integrated experimental, numerical and data based modeling.
About this group:
Group members- Dr. B K Yadav (IIT Roorkee, India), Dr. Shashi Mathur (IIT Delhi, India), Dr. Sudheer Ch. (Moef and CC India), Dr. Basant Yadav (IISc Bangalore)

CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water
Please request to join this group to get access to the CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water. Access is normally granted very quick (10 mins to one business day) if your user profile is complete and up-to-date.
About this group:
***Please request to join this group to get access to the CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water*** (Access is normally granted very quick (10 mins to one business day) if your user profile is complete and up-to-date.)
The CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water platform aims to advance community hydrologic modelling, and support computationally intensive and reproducible hydrologic research by delivering advanced cyberinfrastructure capabilities to broad water science communities through a friendly Jupyter Notebook environment. This HydroShare application has specific support for the Structure For Unifying Multiple Modeling Alternatives (SUMMA) framework and several example notebooks are provided to demonstrate cutting-edge cyberGIS and hydrologic modeling capabilities. This beta release is supported by the CyberGIS Center for Advanced Digital and Spatial Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as part of the National Science Foundation HydroShare project, and intended to gather broad community feedback leading to a production release.

CyberWater Testing Group
The purpose of this group is to coordinate efforts and resources related to CyberWater workshops and focus groups.
About this group:
Scientists need to use diverse data and integrate models outside their own disciplines with sufficient model accuracy and predictability. This is currently difficult to accomplish because (1) a vast quantity of diverse data are not readily accessible to models; and (2) diverse models developed individually by different research groups are difficult to share an integrate between disciplines.
The goal of this project is to build an open data, open modeling framework software that enables easy and incremental integration of diverse data and models for knowledge discovery and interdisciplinary team-work, as well as reproducible computing and seamless and on-demand access to HPC resources. Our project team includes hydrologists, climate experts, meteorologists, computer scientists and CI experts, from multiple universities and CUAHSI, who collaborate closely to ensure CyberWater will engage the broad communities for domain scientists' benefits.

Ecosystem responses to hurricanes data synthesis workshop 2019
Ecosystem responses to hurricanes data synthesis workshop 2019
About this group:
Ecosystem responses to hurricanes data synthesis workshop 2019

El Salvador IRES
Data sharing for El Salvador IRES
About this group:
This group was created to serve the data needs of the El Salvador IRES group

FAPESP 2015/03806-1 - EESC-USP
About this group:
This group share a collection of data produced along the development of the project called: Water availability and quality threats in a Guarani Aquifer System outcrop zone.

Flood Analytics Information System (FAIS)
The purpose of Flood Analytics Information System is to have interaction with users and communities on FAIS web platform, data sharing, and learning. The aim is to enhance flood Big data gathering and computing through data analytics and deep computing approaches.
About this group:
FAIS is an interactive group comprising users, researchers and developers. This group is hosted by Clemson University- Hydrosystem and Hydroinformatics Research (HHR) group.

Freshwater is led by the University of Washington with support of the Mountain to Sea Strategic Research Initiative for advancing freshwater research in the Pacific Northwest and the world. ( )
About this group:
Freshwater researchers create positive change through scientific discovery and technological innovation. This is community resource for education, data and tool sharing for overcoming the global challenges in water quality, resource management, and access.

Geoecohydrology Group at Texas A&M
Studying terrestrial processes in the Earth system
About this group:
The Miller Geoecohydrology Research Group is part of the Civil & Environmental Engineering department at Texas A&M University and is led by Associate Professor Gretchen Miller. Our research is highly interdisciplinary and focuses on groundwater sustainability, examining multiple aspects of the connections between the atmosphere, vegetation, soil, and groundwater. Our current work has three main focus areas: 1) determining vegetation water requirements in groundwater dependent ecosystems, as needed to predict plant response to groundwater extraction; 2) improving the representation of hydrological and biogeochemical processes in Earth system models, which are vital to accurately predicting changes to climate and the hydrologic cycle; and 3) examining subsurface processes associated with engineered systems, such as in Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) projects and bioretention cells.

GroMoPo Admins
Store and share spatial metadata for groundwater models present, past, and future.
About this group:
Groundwater Modeling Portal team

HENSCI Pathways Group
Group for sharing content at the CUAHSI workshop on Advancing Hydrologic Science through Cyberinfrastructure: Lessons Learned and Paths Forward.
About this group:
Researchers working on Hydrologic and Environmental Science Cyberinfrastructure. Users and Developers.

HI-DSI Gateways and Workflows
This group was developed to provide members with hand-on experience using HydroShare.
About this group:
This group is a collection of researchers learning about the benefits of scientific gateways and workflows and how they can be used to impact their work.

HIDSI Workshop 042123
This group is designed for hands-on activities to understand scientific gateways and workflows.
About this group:
This group is a collection of researchers learning about the benefits of scientific gateways and workflows and how they can impact their work.

Habaek soft
Collect Data and Source Codes for Project of Habaek Soft
About this group:
Habaek Soft will show the BigData, AI solution and water resources scientific applications

Hands-on Hydrogeodesy Workshop 2022
About this group:
In this workshop we will use Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)/Global Positioning System (GPS) stations to estimate hydrologic loads in combination with with hydrologic and meteorological datasets. This multi-faceted short course will provide a well-rounded and thorough introduction to GNSS-based hydrogeodesy with the combination of field work, data analysis, discussion, lecture, data analysis, and programming. This hydroshare group contains workshop materials. This workshop was held in person in Missoula Montana July 18 - July 22, 2022.

About this group:
The HydroGrid group is led by Dr. Lilit Yeghiazarian at the University of Cincinnati. We study water systems as multi-layer networks that encompass built and natural environments. We develop technologies for real-time monitoring, analysis and control of water-related processes with current focus on water quality and sustainability.

HydroLearn Practice Group
This group has been created for learners on HydroLearn who are learning how to join groups on HydroShare.
About this group:
This group is used in a learning module on HydroLearn as practice for joining groups.

HydroLearn: Intelligent Earth
A Learning Community to support continuous diffusion of innovation to anyone working on global convergence research with divergent new ideas to address local impacts of change.
About this group:
The Group is cohosted by the University of Washington and Syracuse University with support to the HydroLearn Team to produce the Course Module "Intelligent Earth Computational and Data Science Methods for Research". Start the course at

HydroShare Developers
To develop HydroShare as a platform for hydrologic data and model sharing.
About this group:
Programmers and hydrologists contributing actively to the developing and coding of HydroShare. We welcome participation, but if you request to join will ask you how you plan to contribute in terms of system design or code development. The HydroShare code development activity is in github ( and this group is mainly used to share resources and functionality under development among the development team.

Hydroinformatics Class 2018 - BYU
The purpose is share the data in the hydroinformatic class at BYU 2018
About this group:
This is a group for the Hydroinformatic students, TA and Professor at BYU

IWRSS Model Registry
Interagency effort: US Army Corps of Engineers, National Weather Service, US Geological Survey, Federal Emergency Management Agency
About this group:
Integrated Water Resources Science and Services

Improving the theoretical underpinnings of hydrologic models - Sopron 2018
This group is for attendees at the workshop on "improving the theoretical underpinnings of hydrologic models" held in Sopron Hungary, April 15-18, 2018 to share workshop related resources and collaborate during and after the workshop.
About this group:
This workshop is the second workshop organized in the framework of Improving the Theoretical Underpinnings of Hydrologic Models initiative, following the first successful workshop held in Bertinoro (Italy) in April 2016 to launch the community initiative. This follow-up workshop in Sopron (Hungary) is organised to consolidate progress since the last workshop, showcase new and innovative research and bring hydrologists together to accelerate progress on the development of a long-term strategy for a more systematic development and testing of hydrological models. More details on the workshop can be found in the first circular in the attachment.
The initiative is driven by five main research questions:
1. What are major theories that should guide hydrologic model development?
2. How can we represent small-scale processes that combine to produce large-scale fluxes (emergent behavior, spacetime scaling) in a consistent way?
3. How can we make use of optimality principles (or ecological and landscape evolution principles) to constrain model behavior? Are such principles useful when dealing with anthropogenic interactions?
4. How can we reflect the structure of the landscape in the structure of models?
5. How can we develop a rigorous approach to evaluate and select among competing theories and algorithms in presence of highly uncertain observation data?

Integrated Watershed Research Group
About this group:
This group of faculty, researchers, and graduate students is based at Dalhousie University and focuses on monitoring, modeling and restoration of watershed systems

Jordan and Falls Lakes and Watersheds
To share and archive data and scientific findings related to Jordan Lake and Falls Lake, North Carolina, and their associated watersheds.
About this group:
Jordan Lake is a reservoir west of Raleigh and south of Durham, NC, that was formed by the damming of the Haw River and New Hope River between 1973 and 1983. The reservoir receives inputs from the mixed agricultural, rural and urban Haw River watershed and the mostly urban Upper New Hope and Lower New Hope watersheds. Water flows out over the Jordan Lake Dam and thereafter forms the Cape Fear River.
Falls Lake is reservoir north of Durham, NC that was formed by the damming of the Neuse River from 1978 - 1981. The lake has five principal tributaries, the Flat River, Eno RIver, Little River, Knap of Reeds Creek and Ellerbe Creek, which together contribution an average of 78 percent of the average annual inflow. The lake is 28 miles long from the confluence of the Eno, Little and Flat Rivers to the dam.
In 2016 the North Carolina General Assembly approved a bill to study water quality and nutrient management strategies in both Jordan and Falls Lakes under the auspices of the North Carolina Policy Collaboratory at UNC Chapel Hill. This HydroShare group was created as a repository for the documentation, data and associated findings that have come from this study, previous studies and future studies in these lakes and their watersheds. Complementary websites are: and

JupyterHub - Developers
Share development resources for testing JupyterHub instances
About this group:
JupyterHub platform developers.

Scientists building model experiments to study earth surface dynamics across scales. Find us also at
About this group:
Landlab is a Python-based modeling environment that allows scientists and students to build numerical landscape models. Designed for disciplines that quantify earth surface dynamics such as geomorphology, hydrology, glaciology, and stratigraphy, it can also be used in related fields.

Logan River Observatory
Conducting hydrologic monitoring and research in the Logan River watershed in northern Utah.
About this group:
The goals of the LRO are to provide long-term comprehensive hydrologic data to inform future state-wide water management decisions based on detailed observations and Utah specific hydrologic research.

MIT Workshop Students
The purpose of the group is to promote collaboration among graduate students at MIT.
About this group:
The group includes graduates students of varying backgrounds from MIT.

MTU-IRES El Salvador Participants
Group for those who participated in the MTU-IRES El Salvador research experience to access and manage data from the experience.
About this group:
Group for those who participated in the MTU-IRES El Salvador research experience.

Moffett Research Lab
The overarching question pursued by the Moffett Research Lab:
How do spatial and temporal variations in water flows relate to the structure, function, and stability of plant communities, aquatic ecosystems, and the human environment?
About this group:
Led by Dr. Kevan Moffett with Washington State University Vancouver, the Moffett Research Lab (or the WSU Ecohydrology Research Group) conducts basic research on the hydraulics of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, environmental biophysics modeling, and methodological developments.
We use field studies, numerical modeling, remote sensing analysis, and laboratory experimentation to answer compelling and important research questions from plant and pore to planetary scales. We are always open to new and exciting ideas, collaborations, and methods.
For more information, see

Mojave Carbon Group
Collaborating on the Mojave Carbon biogeochemistry study
About this group:
U.C. Berkeley

Motor City All Things Hydro
The purpose of this group is to encourage collaboration around the unique hydrologic cycles that move water around the Motor City, otherwise known as Detroit MI.
About this group:
This group offers expertise on hydrology in the built environment, the impacts of racialized infrastructure, and large datasets on urbanized soil hydraulics and hydrology, eddy covariance, weather, and other data from right here in the Motor City

NASA Applied Sciences Water Resources
Supporting data and web application sharing among the NASA Applied Sciences Water Resources Applications area
About this group:
The Water Resources Applications area supports the use of Earth observations in water resources management related to water demand, supply, and quality. The program includes five functional themes: drought; stream flow and flood forecasting; evapotranspiration and irrigation; water quality; and climate effects on water resources.

NAVIDIV project
Inland navigation infrastructures and biodiversity: impacts and opportunities for waterwayscape management
About this group:
NAVIDIV investigate how to mitigate the impacts of navigation and inland navigation infrastructures on biodiversity. After a literature state-of-the-art, we will synthesize and analyse data from multiple European sources (including 30 spatio-temporal datasets) to quantify the effects of inland navigation infrastructures on biodiversity of fish, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and riparian/floodplain vegetation across various contexts and scales. The project will evaluate the general effects of navigation intensity depending on land-cover types (agricultural vs. urban vs. natural habitats) and territorial characteristics (e.g. protected areas) and investigate underlying mechanisms to identify management compromises.
NAVIDIV will provide useful synthetic knowledge and guidelines to prioritize management and restoration actions considering the various human uses of waterwayscapes.

NWC SI 2018 - Groundwater
Sharing data and model subsets.
About this group:
General groundwater working group at the National Water Center Summer Institute

NWC SI 2018 - Lost But Not Forgotten
Sharing data
About this group:
Working group investigating how the lack of an adequate GW representation is impacting the ability of the NWM to model hydrologic extremes.

NWRC Fire Workgroup
The Northwest Watershed Research Center (NRWC) Fire Workgroup focuses on geospatial data products, shared workflows, & potential for collaborations & synthesis products related to the 2023 Johnston Draw prescribed fire. It foster community & connections, & address data gaps & research needs.
About this group:
The Northwest Watershed Research Center (NRWC) Fire Workgroup is composed of researchers and stakeholders involved with the October 2023 prescribed fire in the Johnston Draw sub-catchment at Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed.

National Water Center Innovators
Students, faculty and staff participating in the National Water Center (NWC) Summer Institute
About this group:
The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) supports students in National Water Center (NWC) Summer Institute under the auspices of the NWC’s Innovator’s Program. The Summer Institute provides the opportunity for student research fellows to collaborate on projects designed to contribute to the NWC goals of enhancing water-related products and decision-support services across the country.
The research themes of the 2017 Summer Institute are: Hyper Resolution Simulation in Cities, Flood Inundation Mapping, and Communicating National Water Center Results.
For additional information, visit:

National Water Center Innovators 2018 (SI)
Students, faculty, and staff participating in the National Water Center (NWC) Summer Institute
About this group:
The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) supports students in National Water Center (NWC) Summer Institute under the auspices of the NWC’s Innovator’s Program

National Water Center Innovators 2021 (SI)
Students, faculty and staff participating in the 2021 National Water Center (NWC) Innovators Program Summer Institute
About this group:
The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) supports students in National Water Center (NWC) Summer Institute under the auspices of the NWC’s Innovator’s Program. The Summer Institute provides the opportunity for student research fellows to collaborate on projects designed to contribute to the NWC goals of enhancing water-related products and decision-support services across the country.

National Water Center Summer Institute 2023
About this group:
A group for the data and products from National Water Center Summer Institute 2023

National Water Center Summer Institute 2024
This group is a central landing page for theme lead and participant resources for the 2024 National Water Center Summer Institute Program.
About this group:
Anyone can join this group, and any resources shared with this group will be listed and accessible to members. The National Water Center Innovators Program Summer Institute is a seven-week experiential learning program that brings graduate students together with academic researchers, other professionals, and National Water Center staff.

Nearshore Processes
This group caters to researchers, scientists, and students working in the area of Nearshore Processes.
About this group:
The nearshore region is the transition zone from land to the open ocean. This region spans drastically different dynamical regimes with varying roles of waves, wind, tides, buoyancy, and morphology. The vulnerability of the coast to sea level rise, extreme storms, and anthropogenic influences is a major societal concern. This group will share observational and model results, and latest work (presentations/posters) related to advancement in the understanding of nearshore processes.

North Carolina State University
Workshop participants can join and collaborate. Workshop materials are included.
About this group:
Workshop participants can join and collaborate. Workshop materials are included.

Olin Scope CUAHSI
Communication space for team
About this group:
Group for those collaborating on Olin's SCOPE project

OpenGMS Group Student
To promote collaboration among graduate students at Njnu OpenGMS group.
About this group:
OpenGMS, NanJing Normal University, JiangSu, China.

Puerto Rico Water Studies
Collaborative research and public data distribution in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria
About this group:
This group distributes public data for the research and education on water systems in Puerto Rico. Our aim is to build infrastructure to prevent disasters like Hurricane Maria.

RAPID infrastructure for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reproducible science to benefit society.
About this group:
Natural Hazards, Disaster, and Rapid Response Research (RAPID) researchers and research products

share RHESSys models, datasets, analyses for different areas
About this group:
Largely at UVA, others welcome

Redlair Observatory
To provide long-term environmental data for the Piedmont of the Carolinas
About this group:
Redlair is a Piedmont site of long-term environmental, ecological, and hydrological research, monitoring, and education adjacent to the South Fork of the Catawba River.

Reedy Creek Restoration
About this group:
Hydrologic response, water quality, and macroinvertebrate recovery to whole-watershed restoration of Reedy Creek in Charlotte, North Carolina (USA)

SI 2022
This group is for participants in the National Water Center Summer Institute 2022
About this group:
This group is for participants in the National Water Center Summer Institute 2022

Script Group
Group together scripts that can be run with data from the CUAHSI HydroClient
About this group:
Group together scripts that can be run with data from the CUAHSI HydroClient

Shale Network
Share resources among the Shale Network team and among the shale water research community
About this group:
Share resources among the Shale Network team and among the shale water research community

Skagit Basin Water Supply and Demand
Sharing water data and models in the State of Washington
About this group:
Shared resources are a synthesis of current data and science on historic and projected future water supply and demand in the Skagit Basin (WRIA 3 and 4) to provide a holistic exposition of water resource availability and use in the Skagit Basin (initial curation for projects in 2014 - June 2021). In ongoing work, our group is advancing Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible scientific methods, open source community standards for data publication, and leading the creation of public, neutral, online workspaces for actionable science to catalyze regional resilience.

Snow Measurement Field School 2023
About this group:
A group to share data among Snow Measurement Field School participants from March 2023.

Summer Institute 2019
About this group:
This group is for participants in the National Water Center Summer Institute 2019

Summer Institute 2023
This group serves as a central landing page for Summer institute 2023 participants and theme leads, providing easy access to shared resources.
About this group:
The National Water Center Innovators Program Summer Institute is a seven-week experiential learning program that brings graduate students together with academic researchers, other professionals, and National Water Center staff. This group is a central landing page for theme lead and participant resources.

Surface Water Field School 2022
About this group:
This workshop will educate up-and-coming hydrologists on best practices in surface water field measurement and is especially geared towards those interested in comparing field measurements to satellite observations and towards underrepresented groups within the hydrological sciences. The workshop will also provide a brief introduction to field safety and field planning, and no prior field hydrology experience is necessary to participate.

THL Messnetz
Running a Sensor Data Communication Network for Collecting and Processing Hydrological and Environmental Data
About this group:
Laboratory of Hydrology and International Water Resources Management, University of Applied Sciences Luebeck, Germany (Teschniche Hochschule Lübeck)

TRWD/TRVA Water Quality Modeling
Test functionality of hydroshare for collaboration
About this group:
Share and collaborate on water quality related modeling and management activities for the Tarrant Regional Water District and the Trinity River Vision Authority related to the Trinity River in downtown Fort Worth, Texas

Texas A&M Costa Rica REU
About this group:
This NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates focuses on the ecohydrology of tropical forests. The Texas A&M Soltis Center in Costa Rica is home to the program and provides a rich experience for student researchers. Data collected as part of the REU covers nearly every aspect of forest hydrology: weather, micrometeorology, carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange, soil properties, geology, stream and spring flows, and throughfall.

Texas Water Observatory
A critical zone observatory for the Texas Gulf Coast region
About this group:
The Texas Water Observatory (TWO - is a distributed network of field observatories in Brazos River corridor and was developed to better understand hydrologic flow across natural and manmade reservoirs in the critical zone. The network monitors and measures groundwater, soil water, surface water, and atmospheric water at multiple locations across space and through time. Using advanced observational platforms and near real time sensors, this observatory monitors high frequency data of water stores and fluxes, critical for understanding and modeling water resources and their sustainability in the state of Texas and Southern USA. TWO is positioned to support high-impact water science that is beyond the existing capabilities at Texas A&M University and is highly relevant to societal needs. TWO is a regional resource for better understanding and managing agriculture, water resources, ecosystems, biodiversity, disasters, health, energy, and weather/climate. TWO infrastructure spans land uses (cultivation agriculture, range/pasture, forest), landforms (low-relief erosional uplands to depositional lowlands), and across climatic and geological gradients of Texas to investigate the sensitivity and resilience of fertile soils and the ecosystems they support. TWO facilitates a new generation of interdisciplinary water professionals, from various TAMU Colleges, that are better positioned for attending to future water challenges of the region.

About this group:
This group is intended for the course Water Data Analysis & Modeling (GLY606) at University at Buffalo in Fall Semester 2024.

UCGIS Summer School 2017
To share material for the UCGIS Summer School
About this group:
Material for the UCGIS Summer School 2017

Connecting with Water Data Services at the Annual Water Resources Conference of the Universities Council on Water Resources and the National Institutes for Water Resources
About this group:
We expand the capacity of universities and their partners to address current water resources challenges through sharing expertise, fostering leadership, and developing interdisciplinary collaborations.

UHM, NREM 662 Watershed Hydrology
Share data and resources in Fall 2019
About this group:
Instructors and students

UIUC Landscape Evolution Modeling Course 2019
About this group:
spring course

Test group for Hydroshare exploration
About this group:
Created by Todd Koenig, USGS/WMA/OSD/HNB for testing purposes.

USU River Basins Class
To organize and share class projects conducted by students in CEE 6490, WATS 5330, and WATS 6330. These projects focus on Colorado River management problems.
About this group:
Professors, students, and other people interested in Colorado River management.

UU Integrated Assessment of Climate Change 2022
About this group:
UU course Integrated Assessment of Climate Change 2022

UW Hydro | Computational Hydrology
UW Hydro builds tools to simulate and investigate the terrestrial hydrological cycle.
About this group:
The UW Hydro | Computational Hydrology group in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington builds tools to simulate and investigate the terrestrial hydrological cycle and uses these tools for a wide range of hydrologic research projects.

UW-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences
About this group:
This group is a place for SFS students to share projects, exchange resources, and build collaboration on topics related to environmental health, ecological modeling, genomics, mapping applications, and much more.
Administered by the UWM Student Water Council.

UWYO Hydrogeophysics
We share laboratory and near-surface hydrogeophysical data for students and collaborators to access freely.
About this group:
Our team is affiliated with the University of Wyoming Paul Heller Hydrogeophysics Material Properties Laboratory.

Urban Flooding Research
This group is intended as a platform for Urban Flooding Researchers to share research and collaborate on the generation of knowledge related to urban flooding.
About this group:
Urban flooding is a widespread problem being addressed by the US National Science Foundation Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network convergence accelerator project ( Advancing understanding and generating the knowledge to better forecast, plan for and mitigate the effects of urban floods should be a team effort. Please join and share your resources (research data and models in HydroShare) with this group, to help assemble and collaboratively integrate information from multiple sources focused on the problems of urban flooding and its impacts within the urban multiplex. Anyone interested in urban flooding research is welcome to join and share resources with this group. This group is part of a set of community resources being assembled by CUAHSI to share and promote collaboration on urban flooding. If you wish to join the CUAHSI urban flooding email list, contact with the subject line “urban flooding.”

Water Science Lab at Syracuse University
Data sharing for faculty, students, and staff studying water science topics in Earth Sciences at Syracuse University.
About this group:
Data sharing for faculty, students, and staff studying water science topics in Earth Sciences at Syracuse University.

Enabling open water data from the University of Wisconsin-Madison's diverse water researchers
About this group:
Water@UW represents the tremendous breadth of water research taking place at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. From the atmosphere to lakes and rivers and groundwater, UW-Madison researchers address all components of the water cycle. We work at a range of scales, and investigate questions related to water availability, water quality, and interactions between water and components of the biosphere.

A collaborative space for Waterhackweek participants to manage and share their data.
About this group:
The hackweek model has emerged within the data science community as a powerful tool for fostering exchange of ideas in research and computation by providing training in modern data analysis workflows. In contrast to conventional academic conferences or workshops, hackweeks are intensive and interactive, facilitated by three core components: tutorials on state-of-the-art methodology, peer-learning, and on-site project work in a collaborative environment. This setup is particularly powerful for sciences that require not only domain-specific knowledge, but also effective computational workflows to foster the rapid exchange of ideas and aid discovery.
Waterhackweek is pleased to join the ranks of other succesful hackweeks hosted at the University of Washington and eScience Institute, including Geohack, Oceanhack, Astrohack and Neurohackweeks. To read more about the hack week model, read the latest AGU EOS news on Geohackweek or a recent paper in PNAS by Huppenkothen et al., 2018.

Yellowstone and Grand Teton Water Quality Research Group
To collect and process water quality data gathered by BYU professor Dr. Wood Miller, primarily at the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.
About this group:
Graduate students at Brigham Young University working with Dr. Wood Miller.

This group was created to publish the results of research conducted as part of or affiliated with the iUTAH project.
About this group:
iUTAH (innovative Urban Transitions and Aridregion Hydro-sustainability) is an interdisciplinary research and training program aimed at strengthening science for Utah’s water future. iUTAH brings together a network of researchers, universities, governmental agencies, industry partners, and non-profit organizations state-wide.

1-day virtual pre-conference MODFLOW class at the 2021 IAH Congress, Brazil. The class will use MODFLOW 6 and the FloPy package for python to develop MODFLOW datasets and post-process model results.
About this group:
MODFLOW Class participants and instructors

A repository for all 'Ike Wai project data
About this group:
A gathering place for all 'Ike Wai NSF EPSCoR project data. The group is intended to help make it easier for others to find all associated data.