Hurricane Maria 2017 Collection

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Created: Apr 11, 2018 at 2:42 p.m.
Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 at 7:59 p.m.
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This is the root collection resource for management of all weather, hydrologic and related population health and drinking water baseline data collected before and after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. This collection holds numerous Collections and composite resources comprising 1) Environmental data related to Hurricane Maria, including meteorological data, precipitation, stream sensor and chemistry data, soil sensor data, and cloud monitoring data (ceilometer and cloud camera data) – as available given that some sensors were damaged or destroyed during the hurricane; 2) Data Sharing Agreements for the use of private and confidential water resources and health data for conducting research in a HIPAA-compliant manner, 3) Drinking Water Sample Data including analytical results from water quality samples collected after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico from public drinking water sources. Analytical results include laboratory analyses for waterborne pathogens and inorganics parameters. All derived data, including analytical results, metadata, and the methods employed to collect the data adhere to standard methods for water analysis and the standards outlined by the Genomic Standards Consortium and/or Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater; 4) Geospatial Data includes roads and road closure information, Safe Drinking Water Information System point locations of Community and Public Water Systems, locations of 69 hospitals in Puerto Rico, mudslide locations and landslide hazards obtained from the USGS, and storm deforestation rasters generated from satellite data. The data providers for this collection include the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, NOAA National Weather Service, NOAA National Water Center, FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, Kaiser Permanente, and many others.

There are separate collections for Hurricanes Harvey ( and Irma ( Resources from 2017 US Hurricanes may also be shared with The CUAHSI 2017 Hurricane Data Community group ( to make them accessible to interested researchers, and anyone may join this group. Resources related to 2017 Hurricane Maria impacts and ongoing drinking water studies may be shared with the Puerto Rico Water Studies Group ( to make them accessible to interested researchers, and anyone may join this group.

This collection has been produced by a Collaborative Research grant by the US National Science Foundation RAPID Award "Building Infrastructure to Prevent Disasters Like Hurricane Maria" (ID 1810647) in collaboration with the RAPID Award "Archiving and Enabling Community Access to Data from Recent US Hurricanes" (ID 1761673).

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
['Decimal degrees']
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


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Collection Contents

Add Title Type Owners Sharing Status Remove
United States - State polygons Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Hospitals of Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Public & Shareable
Census tabulated blocks in Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Urgent Care Facilities in Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Public & Shareable
County-equivalent and municipality boundaries in Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Pharmacies in Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Public & Shareable
Health services in Puerto Rico Collection Jimmy Phuong Public & Shareable
Annual population estimates for Puerto Rico county/municipios Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
State boundary for Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Census 2010 - County demographic profiles in Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Census County-equivalent boundaries in the United States Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Interviews with Puerto Rico residents 2-months post-Maria Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Health in Puerto Rico leading up to 2-months post-Maria Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Health care in Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands 6-months post-Maria Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Population health reports for Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands Collection Jimmy Phuong Public & Shareable
Demographic Profile of Puerto Rico Collection Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Census 2010 - ZCTA demographic profiles for United States Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Census tract areas in Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Luquillo CZO Hurricane Maria and Hurricane Irma sensor database Resource Miguel Leon Public & Shareable
Behavioral risk factors and prevalence data within metropolitans in Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
JupyterNotebooks for interacting with Hurricane Maria environmental data Collection Miguel Leon Public & Shareable
Blocked roads in Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands after Hurricane Maria Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Hurricane Maria 2017 Story Map App Connector Miguel Leon Public & Shareable
Hurrican Maria remotely sensed images Collection Miguel Leon Public & Shareable
Training notebook for multiple-resource migration Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Official report on the estimated excess deaths in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Perspectives on research gaps from the differences amongst Hurricane Harvey, Irma and Maria Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Excess mortality in Puerto Rico due to Hurricane Maria estimated by community-based survey sampling Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Excess mortality in Puerto Rico due to Hurricane Maria estimated by persistent risk and time-series analysis Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Census 2010 - ZCTA demographic profiles for Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
FEMA remote sensing for flooded areas in Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Roads and Highways in Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Behavioral risk factors and prevalence data sampled from Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Mental health assessment in Punta Santiago, Puerto Rico 6months post-Maria Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Puerto Rico's pre-Maria condition and engineering needs discussed 5 months post-Maria Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Census 2010 - Census tract demographic profiles for Puerto Rico Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable
Translating and integrating census population estimates Resource Jimmy Phuong Discoverable & Shareable

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Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation Building Infrastructure to Prevent Disasters like Hurricane Maria 1810647

How to Cite

Bandaragoda, C., J. Phuong, M. Leon (2019). Hurricane Maria 2017 Collection, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


David Tarboton 6 years, 8 months ago

Consider adding the keyword Maria2017 so that searches for Maria2017 find all Hurricane Maria resources.

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